广受赞誉的电影制作人斯派克·李(Spike Lee)说,“一夜成名”是谎言,这是因为在成名之前,几乎总是要在幕后付出数年,甚至数十年的努力。图片来源:BRYAN BEDDER—GETTY IMAGES
如果你在商业游戏中认为自己可以“以假乱真”,或者跳过艰苦的磨练而获得成功,那么请三思。奥斯卡奖获得者斯派克·李在纽约举办的2023年度领英Talent Connect全球峰会(2023 LinkedIn Talent Connect Summit)上抛出了一些“真理炸弹”,为那些幻想通过走捷径登顶的人澄清了真相。
首先,在他最终被纽约大学(New York University)录取之前,南加州大学(University of Southern California)和美国电影学院(American Film Institute)都拒绝了他的电影学院入学申请。
在纽约大学,李又遭遇了进一步被拒的经历:他差点被纽约大学电影学院开除,这是因为他的短片《答案》(The Answer)差评不断,而制作该片是为了回应大卫·格里菲斯(D.W. Griffith)执导的《一个国家的诞生》(The Birth of a Nation)(于1915年上映)中的种族歧视现象。
除此之外,他还是一名商人——他的公司40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks在2021年与网飞(Netflix)签订了长达多年的创意合作协议——他还是纽约大学的终身教授。
流行音乐界最耀眼的新星之一奥利维亚·罗德里戈(Olivia Rodrigo)也同样否认她一夜成名的说法。
尽管她在2021年因单曲《驾照》(Driver’s License)的爆火而突然走上星途,但她最近告诉《卫报》(Guardian),她“多年来一直在创作歌曲,为成名那一刻准备了很长时间。”
即使在商界,鲨鱼坦克(Shark Tank,又称创智赢家)明星马克·库班(Mark Cuban)也曾在1999年以57亿美元的价格将自己的公司Broadcast.com卖给雅虎(Yahoo),一夜之间成为亿万富翁。但在此之前,库班曾有一段时间和六个人睡在达拉斯一套三居室公寓的地板上,连银行开户的最低限额200美元都赚不到。
“我当时就想,"我必须继续努力"。”他在2017年牛津辩论社(Oxford Union)的一次问答会上说。
与此同时,爱彼迎(Airbnb)的布莱恩·切斯基(Brian Chesky)在2008年创立这个广受欢迎的租赁平台时,还在出租自家地板上的一个充气床垫,以支付租金。在爱彼迎起步之前,他在洛杉矶担任工业设计师,年薪4万美元。
如果你在商业游戏中认为自己可以“以假乱真”,或者跳过艰苦的磨练而获得成功,那么请三思。奥斯卡奖获得者斯派克·李在纽约举办的2023年度领英Talent Connect全球峰会(2023 LinkedIn Talent Connect Summit)上抛出了一些“真理炸弹”,为那些幻想通过走捷径登顶的人澄清了真相。
首先,在他最终被纽约大学(New York University)录取之前,南加州大学(University of Southern California)和美国电影学院(American Film Institute)都拒绝了他的电影学院入学申请。
在纽约大学,李又遭遇了进一步被拒的经历:他差点被纽约大学电影学院开除,这是因为他的短片《答案》(The Answer)差评不断,而制作该片是为了回应大卫·格里菲斯(D.W. Griffith)执导的《一个国家的诞生》(The Birth of a Nation)(于1915年上映)中的种族歧视现象。
除此之外,他还是一名商人——他的公司40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks在2021年与网飞(Netflix)签订了长达多年的创意合作协议——他还是纽约大学的终身教授。
流行音乐界最耀眼的新星之一奥利维亚·罗德里戈(Olivia Rodrigo)也同样否认她一夜成名的说法。
尽管她在2021年因单曲《驾照》(Driver’s License)的爆火而突然走上星途,但她最近告诉《卫报》(Guardian),她“多年来一直在创作歌曲,为成名那一刻准备了很长时间。”
即使在商界,鲨鱼坦克(Shark Tank,又称创智赢家)明星马克·库班(Mark Cuban)也曾在1999年以57亿美元的价格将自己的公司Broadcast.com卖给雅虎(Yahoo),一夜之间成为亿万富翁。但在此之前,库班曾有一段时间和六个人睡在达拉斯一套三居室公寓的地板上,连银行开户的最低限额200美元都赚不到。
“我当时就想,"我必须继续努力"。”他在2017年牛津辩论社(Oxford Union)的一次问答会上说。
与此同时,爱彼迎(Airbnb)的布莱恩·切斯基(Brian Chesky)在2008年创立这个广受欢迎的租赁平台时,还在出租自家地板上的一个充气床垫,以支付租金。在爱彼迎起步之前,他在洛杉矶担任工业设计师,年薪4万美元。
If you’re in the business game thinking you can pull off a little “fake the funk” or skip the hard grind to grab success, think again. Oscar winner Spike Lee dropped some truth bombs at the 2023 LinkedIn Talent Connect Summit in New York, setting the record straight for anyone harboring illusions about taking shortcuts to the top.
“One of the worst lies that’s been told to young people is that there’s a thing called ‘overnight success.’ That’s done a lot of damage to people,” he said.
“It’s not like you’re just out there, and the hand of God is going to come down from the heavens and say, ‘You are the next one.’ That is BS.”
For example, although palpable buzz for ChatGPT has only just reached the public domain, artificial intelligence has been 50 years in the making.
Becoming an “overnight success” is a myth because it is nearly always preceded by years—if not decades—of work behind the scenes, Lee said.
The 66-year-old’s own experience with fame and fortune is a prime example.
Spike Lee’s slow-burning success
Spike’s entry into the entertainment industry was far from smooth sailing.
For starters, both the University of Southern California and the American Film Institute rejected his film school applications before he finally got accepted by New York University.
Once there, Lee experienced further rejection: He was nearly kicked out of NYU’s film school because of poor evaluations for his short film The Answer, which was made in response to the racism of D. W. Griffith’s 1915 The Birth of a Nation.
But he kept at it. In the 31 years since graduating, Lee has gone on to direct and produced more than 35 films, with his blockbuster BlacKkKlansman receiving an impressive six Academy Award nominations.
On top of that, he’s also a businessman—his company 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks signed a a multiyear creative partnership with Netflix in 2021—and a tenured professor at NYU.
“It’s not going to happen overnight. There are going to be times where you want to cry and you want to quit,” Lee concluded. “You can’t quit. You’ve got to keep going.”
Other “overnight success” myth-busters
One of pop music’s brightest new stars, Olivia Rodrigo, similarly rejected the theory that she became successful overnight.
Despite being suddenly thrust into stardom in 2021 with the success of her single “Driver’s License,” she recently told the Guardian that she had “been working on songs for years and preparing for that moment for a long time.”
Even in the business world, Shark Tank star Mark Cuban became a billionaire overnight when he sold his business Broadcast.com to Yahoo for $5.7 billion in 1999. But before that, there was a time when Cuban was sleeping on the floor of a three-bedroom Dallas apartment with six guys and couldn’t make the $200 minimum to open a bank account.
Cuban persevered and played the long game to get to where he is today.
“I was just like, ‘I just have to keep on grinding,’” he said during an Oxford Union Q&A session in 2017.
“And that’s always worked out for me. Even when things were the toughest, my attitude has just been enjoy your life, smile, fight your way through it, and remember what you’re good at.”
Meanwhile, Airbnb’s Brian Chesky was renting out an air mattress on his floor to help meet the rent when he came up with the popular rental platform in 2008 and was earning $40,000 a year as an industrial designer in Los Angeles before Airbnb took off.
Now, Chesky is worth a cool $9.6 billion—but it took around a decade of scaling to the “top of the mountain,” including pulling in 18-hour work shifts often alone, before the masses were using his app.