2015年《金融时报》全球MBA排名 (Financial Times Global MBA rankings 2015)
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在英国《金融时报》公布的2015年度全球全职MBA课程百强排行榜上,哈佛商学院(HBS)蝉联冠军宝座,击败了伦敦商学院(LBS)和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)的挑战。伦敦商学院和沃顿商学院分列第二和第三位。去年排名第二的斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)今年和欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)并列第四。
新上榜商学院中排名最高的是美国圣地亚哥大学工商管理学院(University of San Diego School of Business Administration),排名第66位。2015年榜单上还有另外9家商学院去年没有上榜,包括安大略省的女王商学院(Queen's School of Business),该校上一次跻身于英国《金融时报》MBA百强排行榜是在2006年。中国的复旦大学管理学院(Fudan University School of Management)和英国的兰卡斯特管理学院(Lancaster University Management School)的排名上升最快,分别蹿升28名和27名,至第55位和第50位。[2]
Table Note
Although the headline ranking figures show changes in the data year to year, the pattern of clustering among the schools is equally significant. Some 190 points separate the top programme, Harvard Business School, from the school ranked 100th. The top 12 participants, down to IE Business School, form the top group of MBA providers. The second group, headed by Cambridge: Judge, spans schools ranked 13th to 40th. Differences between schools in this group are small. The 37 schools in the third group headed by Georgetown University: McDonough are similarly close together. The remaining 22 schools, headed by Durham University Business School, make up the fourth group.