聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Carry Around / 歌手:Annuals

I Still Carry On

I"m lying in the sun

longing for a place in the shadow

I"m lying in the snow

longing for a place by the fire

And when I beg you for water

you just drink the water yourself

And when I reach my hand to you

you just turn your face away

But even though the cold from your still beating heart

already killed me twice

And even though the cold in your eyes

makes me freeze all the time

I still carry on and

I still walk around and

I still feel the warming glow

shining somewhere in the future

shining not so far away

I"m climbing up the mountain

mountain of society

But every time I reach the top

you just push me down again

And when I look around me

I can see I"m not alone

There are a lot of people around

climbing mountains next to me

But even though the cold from your still beating heart

already ki






朋友拿了一袋新鲜的竹笋过来,放着又怕浪费了,炒来吃了吧 只是我嫌弃她的刀工,太粗糙了By yingling7用料鲜竹笋 300克五花肉 100克小米辣 2个蒜 ...(展开)