聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Empty Prayers / 歌手:Mary J. Blige

In Flames - Tilt

活在当下 制作

We all find ourselves,

In honour of the good cause.

How empty we"ve become,

With our sight to be the true force.

Does every instinct say you"re right?

I think sometimes there is doubt.

You"re waiting for a re-run,

But yesterday won"t come.

Want to relive the moment,

But yesterday is done.

Lies and desperation lead us through as we"re trying to be heroic,

I swept the world (?) to watch you manage.

Take a step back,

I"ll tie you to it.

You"re waiting for a re-run,

But yesterday won"t come.

Want to relive the moment,

But yesterday is done.

Hopes and prayers in pursuit of salvation,

Take a short cut, it only bends our cause.

But as far as I remember,

There is nothing that will get back the days you lost.

Does every instinct say you"re right?


 【歌词】佛说万物生 / 歌手:佛...

佛说万物生 - 印能法师春暖夏热秋凉冬天冷呀冷百花盛开遍满山野花红柳又绿农夫田野耕种庄稼处处长绿苗鱼儿游在水里空中风云鸟儿飞刮风下雨雷电使劲呼唤秋快来秋来五谷滋...(展开)


