The main body of a ship is called the hull.船舶的主船体叫做hull.
This is the area between the main deck ,the sides and the bottom.It is made up of frames covered with plating.
Hull 指的是主甲板,船舷与船底之间的覆盖着涂层的框架结构。
The foremost part is called the stem and the rearmost part is called stern.
船首称为stem ,船尾为stern.
The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartments by decks and bulkheads.
Bulkheads are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along .Decks divide the hull horizontally.
The hull contains the engine room ,cargo space and a number of tanks.
In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds, in liquid cargo ships it is divided into tanks.
干货船中,货舱被称为hold ,液体货船中货舱被称为tank.
At the fore end of the hull is the fore peak tank and at the after end is the aft peak tank.They are used for fresh water and water ballast.
stem[stɛm] 船首
stern [stɝn] 船尾
midship ["mɪd,ʃɪp] 船中
compartment[kəm"pɑrtmənt] 舱室
deck [dɛk] 甲板
Bulkhead["bʌlkhɛd] 舱壁
engine room["ɛndʒɪn][rum]机舱
hold [hold] 干货船货舱
tank [tæŋk] 液体货轮的货舱
fore peak tank艏尖舱
aft peak tank尾尖舱