歌词千寻
Jason
Castro
-
Runaway.You
got
a
longing
inside
you
that"s
never
satisfiedA
hunger
that
your
heart
cannot
denyYou
wanna
break
out
and
find
out
what"s
right
outside
your
doorWell
you
don"t
have
to
wait
here
any
more.You
could
leave
everythingIf
you"re
ready
come
with
me.I"m
a
runaway,
on
my
way
to
something
betterI
could
never
stay
once
had
a
taste
of
heavenYou
say
you
wanna
be
free,
then
be
a
runaway
with
me.There
is
a
moment
when
you
know
it
like
you
never
did
beforeAnd
the
weight
you
carried
fell
right
through
the
floorYou"ve
got
to
see
it
to
believe
it,
everything
you
didn"t
haveAnd
once
you
do
you"re
never
looking
back.Cause
light
can"t
live
inside
the
darkLet
the
world
know
who
you
are.I"m
a
runaway,
on
my
way
to
something
betterI
could
never
stay
once
had
a
taste
of
heavenYou
say
you
wanna
be
free,
then
be
a
r