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【歌词】481 David Bowie · Young Americans 1 / 歌手:滚石经典500

They pulled in just behind the fridge,

he lays he down, he frowns

"Gee my life s a funny thing, am I still too young?"

He kissed her then and there,

she took his ring, took his babies

It took him minutes, took her no-where

Heaven knows, she d ve taken anything, but

*She* wants the young American

but *she* wants the young American

Scanning life through the picture window,

she finds the slinky vagabond

He coughs as he passes up her red Mustang, but

Heaven forbid, she take anything

But the freak, and his type, all for nothing,

misses a step and cuts his hand. But

showing nothing, he swoops like a song

She cries "Where have all Papas heroes gone?"

*She* wants the young American

but *she* wants the young American

All the way from Washington,

her bread-winner begs off the bathroom floor

"We live for just these twenty years,


 【歌词】吃定你 / 歌手:朱主爱

歌曲名称:吃定你歌手:朱主爱专辑:我来自四叶草时间补偿值:0吃定你 - 朱主爱词:朱主爱曲:朱主爱草莓冰芒果冰还有巧克力布丁红豆冰雪花冰都是我的大克星自从遇见了...(展开)






初中日记合集9篇初中日记 篇1剪不断,理还乱!解释是虚妄!在这个生活圈,不论我如何洁身自好,但终有人可以剥开这层皮。他们好恐怖,一次又一次企图剖析我的骨骼框架。...(展开)