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overnight fame 一夜成名,也可以说成 overnight success 或 become famous overnight

Overnight fame is derived from the term of becoming famous once you pass the imperial examinations. Later, the exams was cancelled, then people used it to describe one who became famous overnight.


Actually, it takes a great number of years to create an "overnight fame".


This picture echoes an old Chinese poem to me: Sharp edge of a sword comes out from grinding, and plum blossoms fragrance comes from the bitter cold.


In the final analysis, Rome was not built in a day.


Knowledge Base

Word of the Day

overnight /ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt/

adv. 在夜间,在晚上;突然,一夜之间

adj. 夜间的,只供一夜的;突然的,一夜之间的

v. 过夜;连夜快递(货物)

n. 一夜的逗留

These solutions cannot be found overnight!


Expression of the Day

Some Internet celebrities won overnight fame and earned millions.


Related Expressions

overnight delivery 隔夜交货

Overnight Delivery 《爱情快递》,1998年电影

overnight trade 非即日平仓交易;隔夜交易

overnight limit 次日交割限期

overnight case 小提箱,小旅行包,短途旅行袋

Knowledge Extension

make great fortune overnight 一夜暴富

May you make great fortune overnight.

Wish you make great fortune overnight.


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