Chorus: Lil" Romeo, repeat 2x]
I wish I was tall like you
I wish I could ball like you, like you
You know i like to walk like you, like you
Thats why I talk like you, like you whoody whooo
When I grow up i wanta be just like you
Eat drink sleep whatever, just like you
Finish school cause bein a fool ain"t cool
When I walk past them same corners just like you
I got hopes and dreams
By the time I"m thirteen I wanta tote around the whole world
Know what I mean?
I play ball like you used to crawl like you
I had 36 the other day, I even score like you, walk like you, talk you
Everything I do my friends say remind me of you
Its you, who made me act like I do
It was you who told me what I could and couldn"t do
Never told me no, just advised me of what to do
Kept me bouncin balls as I recall the age of two, shootin freethrows
Okay I made a few
Dad where you at? I need you in the booth
Its a family thing, so I got your back
I mean we teammates