Today is September ninth by lunar
calendar. Its the Double Ninth Festival.
lunar calendar 农历
solar calendar 阳历
Double Ninth Festival
Chong Yang Festival
Chung Yeung Festival
Seniors Day 老人节
Height Ascending Festival 登高节
Chrysanthemum Festival 菊花节
The Time of Double Ninth Festival
The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival, is also called "Cornel Festival" and "Chrysanthemum Festival", which has a history of more than 1,700 years. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar.
The Name of Double Ninth Festival
In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing (The Book of Changes), number "6" was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number "9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day creates "the Double Ninth Festival" or "Chongyang Festival".
因为古老的《易经》中把六定为阴数,把 九定为阳数,在农历的九月初九那天,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九。
The Significance of Double Ninth Festival
In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors Day. The traditional culture of Double Ninth and that of the modern were finely combined. It becomes a festival of respecting for the elderly people, and loving, helping the old.
The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members.
重 阳 节 的 传 说
The Legend of Double Ninth Festival
The story can be dated back as early as East Han Dynasty, there lived an old Taoist named Fei Changfang, who had become an immortal after many years of practicing Taoism. A young man named Huan Jing, he was worship him and was learning the magic arts from Fei Changfang. The old Taoist took him in and taught him how to defeat the devil. Heng Jing put his whole heart into study and practice.
One day, the two were climbing a mountain. Fei Changfang suddenly stopped and looked very upset. He told Huan Jing:" on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, disaster will come to your hometown. You must go home immediately. Remember to make a red bag for each one of your families and put a spray of cornel on every one. Then you must all tie your bags to your arms, leave home quickly and climb to the top of a mountain. Most importantly, you must all drink some chrysanthemum wine, Only by doing so can your families avoid this disaster."
有一天, 在爬山的时候, 费长房对桓景说:在九月初九这天,你们全家将有一场大灾难降临,你要提早回家做好准备。桓景听了,十分惊慌,连忙跪下求师傅教给他躲避灾难的办法。费长房说:在九月九这一天,你多做几个红色的布袋,里面放进茱萸,并缠到胳膊上,再带些用菊花浸泡的酒,携全家老小到一个高坡上饮酒。只有这样,你才能避开大祸。
On hearing this, Huan Jing rushed home and asked his family to do exactly as his teacher said. The whole family climbed a nearby mountain and did not return until the evening. When they got back home, they found all their animals dead, including chickens, sheep, dogs and even the ox.
Since then, climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Nith Festival, to avoid evils spirits and misfortunes.