聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Can t Stand It / 歌手:Never Shout Never

Madonna - Masterpiece



If you were the Mona Lisa

You’d be hanging in the Louvre

Everyone would come to see you

You’d be impossible to move

It seems to me is what you are

A rare and priceless work of art

Stay behind your velvet rope

But I will not renounce all hope

And I’m right by your side

Like a thief in the night

I stand in front of a masterpiece

And I can’t tell you why

It hurts so much

To be in love with the masterpiece

‘Cause after all

Nothing’s indestructible

From the moment I first saw you

All the darkness turned to light

An impressionistic painting

Tiny particles of light

It seem to me is what you’re like

The “look but please don’t touch me” type

And honestly it can’



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 【歌词】陈慧琳 夏天的绯闻 / ...
