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【歌词】【永恒之塔】Yozoh -Forgotten Sorrow / 歌手:网络游戏主题曲




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Forgotten Sorrow


丿尛丶唄灬 华东巨蟹

don‘t cry for me

how easy love has gone.

try to see.

how deep my despair is.

come the winds of fate and time.

take all my tearful memories.

call out to thee sing your name is sweet harmony

but only echoes fade away.

crying breeze to thee ever moment with chiming wind

where has gone silent tears

don‘t sigh for me.

your hate rings false to me.

try to see.

the shards of history.

darkness fills my heart and i

laugh loud at all thet‘s passed us by

call out to thee sing your name is sweet harmony,

the wind blows endlessly.

roamig around whirly world rough breath in dark.

cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days.

buming away hollow hopes wrong pray for God.

where the angels has gone so i need

weep myself out gently, in a blind.


roamig around whirly world rough breath in dark.

cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days.

buming away hollow hopes wrong pray for God.

where the angels has gone so i need

weep myself out gently, in a blind.

please come to me.

come dusk the past will flee.

try to see.

the new dawn brings hope faintly



妈妈        拥有一头乌黑亮丽的秀发;一对明察秋毫的眼睛;一副少女般轻盈健美的完美身...(展开)






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