A For Apple B For Boy
Sing a song of a,b,c
Come on boys and come on girls
Sing a song of a,b,c
A for apple,b for boy
C for cat and d for dog
E for egg and f for fish
G for girl and h for hand
I for ice-cream,j for Jack
K for kab,l for land
M for man and n for nose
O for orange and p for pen
Q for queen and r for rain
S for sugar and t for tree
U for umbrella and v for van
W for wanter and x for expert
Y for yellow and z for zoo
It"s simple all can do
Come on boys and come on girls
Sing a song of a,b,c
Sing a song of a,b,c
Come on boys and come on girls
Sing a song of a,b,c感谢 lame_chen 歌词