聚热点 juredian

【歌词】The Play (Part II) / 歌手:莎翁情史(Shakespeare In

Let The Beat Go On


Choosing BPM

Is a big problem

A lot of people get hurt

Just for nothing

Due to inability

To make their mind

Make up your mind

Before it gets too late

Action speaks just louder that voice

If you haven"t got one

Then ask the doctor

Just ring ring ring

Call I on the phone


Is the key to choose


Is the key to choose

Let the beat go on

Holding on getting strong

Let the beat go on

The youth nowadays

Have difficulties in choosing

The youth nowadays

Have difficulties in choosing

That"s why we old

Have to help them out

Before they left them job

And turn a gun-man

Before they left them job

And turn a hooligan

Say mi love part I

But me prefer part II

When mi play them 33

Say mi keep them alive


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