聚热点 juredian

【歌词】The Encounter/交锋 / 歌手:卧虎藏龙

If the sky opened up for me

And the mountains disappeared

If the seas can dry turned to dust

And the sun refused to rise

I would still find my way

By the light I see in your eyes

The world I know fades away but you stay

As the earth reclaims its due

And the cycle starts anew

We’ll stay. always

In the love that we have shared before time

If the years take away

Every memory that I have

I would still know the way That would lead me back to your side.

The North Star may die

But the light that I


 我的车被别人撞了, 对方报警, ...

问:我的车被别人撞了, 对方报警, 我没有证据, 派出所不管, 我该怎么办律师解答:这些人涉嫌故意伤害罪,寻衅滋事罪以及故意毁坏财物罪。对于这种问题,你只能继续...(展开)