聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Paparazzi Intro / 歌手:Lady GaGa




I"m the best the world has ever seen. (And the best ever!)

I"m somebody you"ll never forget cause

I work hard and sweat in my tears. (Can"t be stopped!)

I"m never falling again and if I did, I"d come back

If you try and fail, get up again

Destiny will choose you in the end

If you don"t make the choice,

and you don"t use your voice

Someone else will speak for you instead

What you want is just within your reach

But you gotta practice what you preach

You paid with sweat and tears to overcome your fears

Never let the fire inside you leave

"I can"t", "Icon", two letters apart

One step away from being lost in the dark

Just shine your light like a beautiful star

Show the world who you are, who you are

Yeah, there"s another part of you no one sees




文 | 董柴玲编辑 | 乔芊在竞争激烈、本土品牌势头强劲的中国运动服装市场,lululemon可能是今年唯一一家交出漂亮成绩单的外资品牌。而这也是它全球表现的缩...(展开)