聚热点 juredian

金不换 不换金

凡人一般都趁着年轻任性,肆意挥霍自己的青春才华,而历来诸多成功者的人生,却是锲而不舍的坚韧不拔,随时步步为营的深邃厚重,无数年来不断的吸取教训,用心尽心精心的积累经验,是金不换,不换金的铁律。Generally when mortal are young and caprice period, use to make profligacy on his youth, In the life time of many successful persons, It is keeping on caving and indomitable stuck on perseverance. At every step by step ,keen on heavy and deep, For countless years, many lessons have been learned. Diligently and carefully accumulated experience,

it is priceless, does not exchange the rule by gold.

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