Goodbye Alice in Wonderland
It"s four in the afternoon
I"m on a flight leaving L.A.
Trying to think about my life
My youth scattered along the highway
Hotel rooms and headlines
I"ve made a living with a song
Just a guitar as my companion
Wanting desperately to belong
Fame is filled with spoiled children
They grow fat on fantasy
I guess that"s why I"m leaving
I crave reality
So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference
between dreaming and pretending
I did not find paradise
It was only a reflection
of my lonely mind searching
For what was missing in my life
I"m embarassed to say
the rest is a rock and roll cliche
I hit the bottom when I reached the top
I never knew it was you
who was breaking my heart
I thought you had to love me