聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Together As One / 歌手:Testament

歌曲名称:One United People


专辑:One United People


One Singapore

One people strong & free

With one heart,

One voice we make our history,

We are a rainbow of a thousand colors

lighting up the sky

we share the Singapore heartbeat

together you & I , We are One Singapore

One nation strong & free

A thousand voices sing in harmony

We will stand together

together hand in hand as

One united people

for Singapore my homeland

My Singapore

Our island in the sun

this is my homeland

its where my strength is from

a rainbow of thousand colors

lighting up the sky

we build a brighter future

together you & I

we are One Singapore

One nation strong & free

A thousand different voices sing in harmony

We will stand together

together hand in hand as

One united people

for Singapore my homeland

One Singapore

One nation strong & free

A thousand different voices sing in harmony

We will stand together

together hand in hand as

One united people

One united people

One united people

for Singapore my homeland


 vivo S15 Pro成最值得...

知道吗?鲁大师刚刚公布了2500元-3500元最值得买手机排行榜,位列榜首的机型正是vivo先前发布的vivo S15 Pro。要知道,这份榜单是筛选了今年一月...(展开)


