The Meaning of Money 钱的意义
Money can buy bed, but not sleep; 钱可以买到床,但却买不到睡眠.
Money can buy luxuries, but not culture; 钱可以买到奢侈品,但却买不到文化.
Money can buy books but not wisdom; 钱可以买到书本,但却买不到智慧.
Money can buy companions, but not friends; 钱可以买到同伴,但却买不到朋友.
Money can buy medicine, but not health; 钱可以买到药品,但却买不到健康.
Money can buy marriage, but not love; 钱可以买到婚姻,但却买不到爱情.
Money can buy finery, but not real beauty;
Money can buy clothes, but not personality; 钱可以买到衣服,但却买不到品格.
Money can buy paintings, but not the artistry;
Money can buy anything, but not heaven; 钱可以买到任何事物,但却买不到天空.
Money can buy a house, but not a home; 钱可以买到房子,但却买不到温暖的家.
Money can buy tombstones, but not memory; 钱可以买到墓石,但却买不到记忆.
Money can buy food, but not appetite.