演唱:Lady GaGa
Heard ya, don"t speak don"t wanna hear another
(not another word from you)
You"re just a little mole, trying to act real special
(but deep down you"re just a shrew)
Maybe I should have a little more just to stay out of my mind
Cause it"s when I"m not thinking with you that I act like a swine!
Act like a swine, act like a swine
I know, I know, I know, I know you want me
You"re just a pig inside a human body
Squealer, squealer, squeal out, you"re so disgusting!
You"re just a pig inside...
Do ya, I know, I know, I know you want me
You"re just a pig inside a human body
Squealer, squealer, squeal out, you"re so disgusting!
You"re just a pig inside...swine.
Payback, how much will I ask