
TESTcomes from Latin testiswitness(见证, 证实), From PIE *tri-st "a third person stand by(*st-, standing)" FromPIE *tri (*trei) (三).
detest[dɪtɛst] 原表示召唤上帝来见证诅咒-> 极端仇恨TEM8vt. 厌恶;憎恨
COLLINS: V-T If you detest someone or something, you dislike them very much.憎恶
拓展: detestation n 厌恶, 憎恶 detestable adj 令人厌恶的
e.g. I detest those who deceive me. 我厌恶那些欺骗我的
attest[ətɛst] 去见证TEM 8vt. 证明;证实;为…作证 vi. 证明;作证
COLLINS:V-T/V-I To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true.证明 [正式]
拓展: attest a signature 证明签名是真的
e.g. Police records attest to his long history of violence. 警方记录证明他有长期的暴力史
contest[kəntɛst] to call to witness 召唤过来见证-> 一起见证(比赛) n. 比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执 v. 争取赢得(比赛、选举等);参加(竞争或选举),竞争;争辩,争论;就……提出异议,反驳
COLLINS: N-COUNT A contest is a competition or game that people try to win.竞赛; 比赛;N-COUNT A contest is a struggle to win power or control. 争夺; V-T If you contest a statement or decision, you object to it formally because you think it is wrong or unreasonable.对…提出抗辩;
拓展: contestant n 竞争对手 speech contest 演讲比赛
e.g. Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case. 你的前雇主得在14天内做出答复以对本案提出抗辩
intestate[ɪntɛstet] having not make a will 没有留下一个值得见证的东西-> 遗嘱 adj. 没有遗嘱的;[法] 未按遗嘱处理的 n. 无遗嘱的死亡者
COLLINS: ADJ (of a person) not having made a will(人)无遗嘱的; ADJ (of property) not disposed of by will (财产); N a person who dies without having made a will无遗嘱死者
e.g.die interstate 死时未留遗嘱
提前证明-->预先测试 n. (学习或做某事前的)预先测试,预先试验 v. 进行预测试,进行预试验
COLLINS: V to test (something) before presenting it to its intended public or client 预先测试(产品); N the act or instance of pretesting 预先测试
protest[prəˈtɛst;protɛst] 向前证明--> 大众证明, 在公共场所证明, 申明自己的主张 vi. 抗议;断言 vt. 抗议;断言 n. 抗议 adj. 表示抗议的;抗议性的
COLLINS: V-T/V-I If you protest something or protest against something, you say or show publicly that you object to it.抗议; N-VAR A protest is the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something.抗议; V-T If you protest that something is the case, you insist that it is the case, when other people think that it may not be.断言
拓展: protestation [,prɑtəsteʃən] n. 抗议,异议;声明;断言
e.g.protest movement 抗议运动 protestation of friendship 友好宣言
protestant[prɑtɪstənt] 抗议者 adj. 抗议的;持异议的;新教的 n. 抗议者;持异议者;新教徒
COLLINS: N-COUNT A Protestant is a Christian who belongs to the branch of the Christian church that separated from the Catholic church in the sixteenth century.新教徒;ADJ Protestant means relating to Protestants or their churches.新教的; 新教徒的
拓展: protestantism n 新教主义
testament[tɛstəmənt] < test = withness>用来证实最后财产分配的--> 遗嘱TEM4n. [法] 遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明 【同】will
COLLINS: N-VAR If one thing is a testament to another, it shows that the other thing exists or is true.证明 [正式];PHRASE Someones last will and testament is the most recent will that they have made, especially the last will that they make before they die.临终遗嘱 [法律]
拓展: testamentary adj 留有遗嘱的
e.g.For him to win the game like that is a testament to his perseverance. 他能赢得那样的比赛证明了他的毅力
testamur[tɛstemɚ] 英语成绩的见证 n. 考试及格证书
testate[testeɪt] n. 留有遗嘱的死者 adj. 留有遗嘱的
COLLINS: ADJ having left a legally valid will at death留下合法遗嘱的;N a person who dies testate留下合法遗嘱的人
拓展: testator 立遗嘱者 testatrix 女遗嘱人
testicle[tɛstɪkl] 特指装在阴囊中的睾丸--> 见证男人之物 n. [解剖] 睾丸
COLLINS: N-COUNT A mans testicles are the two reproductive glands that produce sperm and are contained in the scrotum.睾丸
testify[tɛstɪfaɪ] CET6 TEM4vt. 证明,证实;作证 vi. 作证;证明
COLLINS: V-T/V-I When someone testifies in a court of law, they give a statement of what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth.(在法庭上) 作证;
e.g.Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face. 几个目击者证明他们看到那些警察们打了米勒的脸
testimony[tɛstəmoni] n. [法] 证词,证言;证据
COLLINS: N-VAR In a court of law, someones testimony is a formal statement that they make about what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth.(法庭上的) 证词;N-UNCOUNT If you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has a particular quality.明证[also a N, usu N to n]
拓展: testimonial [,tɛstɪmonɪəl] n. 证明书;推荐书 adj. 证明的;褒奖的;表扬的 give false testimony 作伪证
e.g. The environmental movement is testimony to the widespread feelings of support for natures importance. 环保运动是大自然重要性得到广泛认可的明证.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.