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【歌词】Larkin Step / 歌手:黄铃凯

歌词千寻 Larkin Step - 黄铃凯作词:黄铃凯作曲:黄铃凯God he turned and walked awayI couldn’t’ think of what to sayWhen plane engines fall through your roofAnd I broke my knee while walking down the street that I live inBut no one was passing byLife comes along and it trickles down the cheeks of every beautiful boyTime moves along and it breaks every bone in your spineAnd into the flight of nightInsomnia strikesHopes alightSet ourselves up to fallSo we stargaze and we write down all the things that we’ll doFall into the riverOur pockets full of stonesFull of stonesLife comes along and it trickles down the cheeks of every beautiful boyTime moves along and it breaks every bone in your spineLife comes along and it trickles down the cheeks of every beautiful boyTime moves along and it breaks every bone in your spine


 中秋 | 人间好时节,月圆寄相思...

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