聚热点 juredian

【歌词】The Power of Love / 歌手:Lunatica

When the first light of morning is touching the leaves

and the dewdrops are sparkling like stars

I feel the touch of a mild breeze caressing my skin

as I m running to reach your strong arms


What greater gift could I get to feel alive

than the power of love in your eyes

Like a blooming rose in a barren p


 【歌词】家·味道 / 歌手:庞龙

庞龙 - 家·味道词曲:蔡龙波编曲:刘卓制作人:庞龙歌词同步专家:孤身一人在这陌生城市漂难免磕磕绊绊爬起跌倒心底时常涌起家那温馨的味道日日夜夜 魂牵梦绕孤身一人...(展开)