作曲:恭硕良 主唱:陈冠希 填词:陈冠希
喂 呢个故事 我应该由边度开始 我都唔知
我净系知 如果你想未来日子好d 你必定要留意
黎紧既日子 你要小心d
唔使指住边个 都请留意
it"s been a presentation XXXXXXXX
点解咁钟意玩游戏 please please please make them go away
咁多批评 去去 黎黎黎
i am here to stay we are here to stay
点解冇新创意出黎 please please please just go away
i have them back up away
we are here to stay i am here to stay
i am here to say
你同样地 净系谂自己 由得朋友去死
So you are there to stay 自己晒d彩 咁既性格快d去改
因为你由上面落返黎 会见到上紧去 同一班人
听完又唔理 抵你去死
*我只有自己 (你系咪想我死 你系咪想我死)
we should go away
we should go away
我只有自己 (我只需要你 我只需要你 你由我死)
but i am here to stay*
please please please make them go away
i am here to stay i am here to stay
理得你 见到好多人o系到演紧戏
give them hell away go off the way
i am here to stay back up the way
repeat *
晕晕地 谂返起
今朝一早起身 收到个message 禁左play
喂 呢个故事 我应该由边度开始
我都唔知 我净系知
如果你想未来日子 好d 你必定要留意
黎紧既日子 你要小心d
自己 陈冠希 因为世上最大既挑战系 能够搵返你自己
不过我唔系用手指指住边个 都请留意
it"s been a presentation XX