聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Grey Heavens / 歌手:Summoning[召唤]



英語詞∶BENI/Seiji Motoyama



These days of glory, fill me up when I’m falling down

And I’m searching for a reason to carry on

My mind grows weary, try to burn the thoughts of the past

Don’t know where to go but I’ve got to move on

Do you know, do you remember that song?

Moving straight ahead we’re headed for destruction

Loneliness is all I have at hand

Can’t you see, when the walls come tumbling down

The kingdom has come we’re headed for the last day

Past the broken dreams and the ecstasy

Let me down, now my back’s against the wall

Built up only to fall

But I know very soon the daylight will come

You and I live each day as our last

And the best times I’ve ever had

Hold me tight I need you here beside me

The cold, hard concrete in this dark and lonely town

We are trapped within these walls we"ll never ge


