日前,被称为“设计界奥斯卡”奖的意大利A‘Design Award重磅揭晓了2023年度获奖榜单。JLa设计集团作品【石家庄保利·天汇】,从全球139个国家/地区的1000+参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣膺该赛事金奖!
Recently, A" Design Award and Competition in Italy, known as “the Oscar award in thedesign sector ” has revealed its 2023 winners. Out of thousands of entries from 139 countries / regions worldwide, Shijiazhuang Poly·City Gather by JLa has won the gold award!
It’s reported that this session has a highly strict evaluation mechanism. A total of over 200 international professional judges have carried out anonymous voting for competition entries. By doing this, there are only 13 gold winners in the interior space and exhibition design category. This success gained by JLa has once again shown its great competitiveness with the concept of “growing creativity, beyond boundaries”.
石家庄保利天汇-金奖 官网截图
A’Design Award源自意大利,作为全球领先的国际设计大奖赛之一,其创办于2010年,为给予全球各个创意领域中不同国家、不同范畴中最优秀设计师的荣誉而组织,并对全球上千项设计比赛进行科学分析后设立。
Originating from Italy and founded in 2010, the A"design Award is regarded as one of the world"s leading international design awards. It’s committed to recognizing and honoring the best designers in various countries and creative disciplines through the scientific analysis of thousands of works across the world.
Held once a year, it strives to provide an international competition platform for designers, creative figures and design companies, so as to showcase their works to global audiences and attract manufacturers, media and buyers from all over the world. At the same time, it also supports global design culture, encourages participants to create excellent designs, and works to build a better future.
A’Design Award 2023 金奖作品
执笔石家庄保利·天汇售楼处一案时,JLa设计团队延续天汇产品核心故事线,从过往经验中再创造,以建筑光影叙事,将“艺术人文健康”的顶层思路贯通全案,最终达至空间设计与产品本身的价值共鸣、精神相和,体知自然、艺术与建筑、空间共生的无界之蕴 —— 空即自由,万象静照,漫漫归真。
In the course of designing Shijiazhuang Poly·City Gather, JLa design team followed the core storyline of City Gather products, recreated from the past experience, and narrated with light and shadow of the building. With the forward-looking concept of “art, humanity and health” throughout the case, it has ultimately achieved the value resonance and spiritual harmony between the space and the products, while perceiving the boundless implication of the symbiosis of nature, art, architecture, and space.-- When there is nothing left but emptiness, freedom reigns. All images shine in quiet, and the world returns to the truth.
The mountain remains silent while the water meanders soundlessly. The ceiling vein is designed as a landscaped cycle, accompanied by light and ripples. Thus, the beauty of reality and illusion, where nature and art merge, pervades the whole space.
Thanks to sustainable and infinite creativity, JLa anchors on the entire creative life cycle and the limitless interpretation of artistic forms, merging the core of spatial products and reshaping aesthetic forms. This has activated the vitality of space and the value elasticity of business.
项目名称| 河北保利石家庄天汇售楼部项目
Name| Shijiazhuang Poly·City Gather Sales Center
项目地点| 石家庄
Location| Shijiazhuang
项目甲方| 保利发展河北公司
Owner| Hebei Poly Development Company
甲方团队| 王南濮、李娟、精装组
Team A| Nanpu Wang, Juan Li, Finishing Team
项目面积| 1250㎡
Area| 1250㎡
竣工时间| 2022年08月
Completion Date| August 2022
设计总监| 刘家耀
Design Director| Melody Lau
主创设计| 梁信科
Project Director| Sean Liang
设计团队| 蒙键 陈嘉慧
Design Team| Jian Meng, Jiahui Chen
技术团队| 赵文智、张炳恒、游雅倩
Technical Team| Steve Zhao, Steve Zhang, Yaqian You
Decoration Design| Bluemoon Design
摄影视频| 一千度视觉
Photography| One Thousand Degree Vision
主要选材| PU石、GRG、肌理漆、金属漆、木饰面、古铜不锈钢、皮革
Main Materials| PU stone, GRG, textured paint, metallic paint, wood veneer, bronze stainless steel, leather
Brand Management|DDBranding
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