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【歌词】Face in the Crowd / 歌手:Terry Brock

Lionel Richie - Face in the Crowd

活在當下 制作

I"m just a face in the crowd.

You probably don"t know me, as I don"t stand out.

And I"m sure you"re heart doesn"t beat for me.


And when you"re cold and lonely, they are not my arms.

You long to feel around you to keep you safe and warm.

No, I"m just a face in the crowd, you can"t see.

But safe a little love for me,

Safe a little love for me. Yeah.

Safe a little love for me. Yeah yeah yeah.

And I"ll safe my love for you.

My face in the crowd.

Don"t know your name and you don"t know mine.

Yet I wear it all... from this heart of mine.

I don"t need no prove, to know that you are there. Yeah.

Hey. My heart is strong and my wings are wide.

I"m true to all my colors and I wear them all with pride.

I am your face, you"re face in the crowd.

So safe a little love for me


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