Historic cinemas:Nointermission
Thecharmsof Britain’sdwindlingnumber of old picture houses
【1】For clevedon, North Somerset, thesinkingof the Titanic in1912is intertwined with an altogether happier event. Five days after the passengerlinerwent down in the north Atlantic, one of the world’s first “picture houses” opened in theseasidetown with amatinée to raise cash for survivors. Aside from several months’ closure during thepandemicthe Curzon, as it is now known, has been showing films ever since. Of the more than1,500cinemas that were built in Britain during the first four decades of the20th century, it is one of only ahandfulstill running.
【2】Many old cinemas were killed off by television. The survivors have seen filmloverslured away by multiplexes, with their larger, comfier seats. But the past couple of years have beenbrutalon cinemas of all kinds. Since they reopened after thepandemic(and some did not) rising costs havepushedup ticket prices. Many viewers, nowattachedto paid-for streaming services, remain disinclined to leave home. Business is picking up: theukCinema Association says that in2022ticket sales rose by59%. But older cinemas, which tend to be small, often with only one screen, are finding it hard to survive.
【3】In May Odeon closed several old picturepalacesincluding one in Magdalen Street, Oxford, which opened in1924(and thus just missed itscentenary), and another in Ayr (1938) on Scotland’s south-west coast. Ten miles along the coast from Clevedon, in Weston-super-Mare, it shut a1930s artdecocinema thatboasteda rare, but once common, Compton pipeorgan.
【4】Clevedon’s Curzon went bust in1995. Since then it has been run by acharity. Itssurvivalhas beenaidedby itsproximityto aprosperouscity: Bristol, with itsthrivingcreativeindustries, has provided both visitors and supporters, including the founders of Aardman, makers of Wallace and Gromit.
【5】Its storyillustratesthree reasons why old cinemas can be worth saving when they are no longerviablebusinesses. The first is theirarchitecture. The Curzon’sinteriorhasornamentaltin-tilepanellingand anelegantproscenium,exposedwhen afalseceilingput up in the1970s was taken down in2020. Though some cinema buildings are listed, their interiors arehiddenor destroyed when they becomegymsor cafes. The second is that cinemas in which history iscelebrated, with old images in the lobby (Clevedon’s has ahulkingoldprojector)arguablyprovide a richer experience than simply watching a movie on a big screen.
【6】Cinemas that function partly as museums are also repositories of social history. Inrecordingsof Clevedonians from more than a decade ago in the Curzon’s onlinearchive, an elderly woman recalls a “Mrs Cox” (a relative of the man who built the cinema)accompanyinga silent Charlie Chaplin film on thepiano. Others describe theenchantmentof going to the flicks at a time when there was little otherentertainment. “The films we used to see were delicious,”remembersone. “Ooh, Clark Gable.”
1.原文:the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is intertwined withan altogether happier event.
例句:Our experience of suffering is intertwined with our destiny.
2.原文:Five days after the passenger linerwent downin the north Atlantic
例句:Looks like that marriage went down the drain.
3.原文:Many old cinemas were killed offby television.
词典:kill off消灭
例句:They say that the emergence of text messaging is killing off commas, colons and apostrophes.
4.原文:Since they reopened after the pandemic (and some did not) rising costs have pushed upticket prices.
词典:push up 推高
例句:In fact, the continued demand, along with the dwindling numbers of elephants, have pushed up prices for ivory.
5.原文:Many viewers, now attached topaid-for streaming services, remain disinclined to leave home.
词典:attached to沉迷;附着于
例句:I am very attached to that old picture.
6.原文:Many viewers, now attached to paid-for streaming services, remain disinclined toleave home.
词典:disinclined to不喜欢做某事
例句:The man who does not force himself to work when he is disinclined to do so will never achieve anything worth doing.
7.原文:Clevedon’s Curzon went bust in 1995.
例句:In the 1920s they moved to California, where they started a movie theater and a hotdog stand, but they eventually went bust when the Great Depression came around.
8.原文:exposed when a false ceiling put up in the 1970s wastaken down in 2020
词典:taken down 拆卸;写下;放下
例句:Do you think we should take down the decorations?
1.原文:Many viewers, now attached topaid-for streaming services, remaindisinclined toleave home.
1.原文:The Curzon’s interior hasornamental tin-tile panelling and an elegant proscenium,exposed whena false ceilingput upin the 1970s was taken down in 2020.
2.分析:本句是主谓宾结构,句子主语为The Curzon’s interior,谓语为has,宾语为ornamental tin-tile panelling and an elegant proscenium;exposed为表被动非谓语作宾补,when引导时间状语从句,从句主语为a false ceiling,从句谓语为was taken down,put up为非谓语作定语;inthe1970s和in2020均为时间状语。
3.译文:当 1970 年代搭建的假天花板在 2020 年被拆除时,Curzon内部发现有装饰性的锡砖镶板和优雅的舞台。
Its story illustrates three reasons why old cinemas can be worth saving
表达: sthillustrates reasons“xxx表明了xxx的原因”,写作时如果要表达某个事情或某个现象的原因可以用这个表达。
例句:This paper illustrates and explains the changes and reasons in our university in terms of the credit system, the elasticity system, the re-study system and the degree-awarding.
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