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【歌词】The Rain feat Jill S / 歌手:WillSmith

The little rain drops fallin"" down on me

But I can""t seem to feel it, feel it

Feel it coming over me The rain gon"" come through the window, pain will come

Black, white, rich, poor, it""s the same old drum

Rainy days like the war, use wisdom as a weapon

Hold your head up, dry your clothes and keep steppin""

Let the children feel the rain, ""cause if they feel the rain

>From the wetness, they stand to gain

I came into the game, it felt like the middle of June

Music was warm, artists, like flowers, they bloom

Then boom, I shook the room, many felt the thunder

My time to shine, did it like summer

I wondered if the sun would shine forever

Pops said "rain gon"" come", to him I said "never"

Chedder in the genes, face on screens

Got a benz wit"" the sheen, but what did it all mean

I earned money and burned money, credit cards smokin""

Platinumn, grammys, famous, but still broke and

Not having cash put me in check

Yo, the road to the



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 【歌词】方便面 / 歌手:肖飞
