Free exchange:Don’t be workshy
Whoops! Working from home is detrimental to productivity, after all
【1】A GRADUAL REVERSE migration is under way, from Zoom to the conference room. Wall Street firms have been among the most forceful in summoning workers to their offices, but in recent months even many tech titans—Apple, Google, Meta and more—have demanded staff show up to the office at least three days a week. For work-from-home believers, it looks like the revenge of corporate curmudgeons. Didn’t a spate of studies during the covid-19 pandemic demonstrate that remote work was often more productive than toiling in the office?
【2】Unfortunately for the believers, new research mostly runs counter to this, showing that offices, for all their flaws, remain essential. A good starting point is a working paper that received much attention when it was published in 2020 by Natalia Emanuel and Emma Harrington, then both doctoral students at Harvard University. They found an 8% increase in the number of calls handled per hour by employees of an online retailer that had shifted from offices to homes. Far less noticed was a revised version of their paper, published in May by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The boost to efficiency had instead become a 4% decline.
【3】The researchers had not made a mistake. Rather, they received more precise data, including detailed work schedules. Not only did employees answer fewer calls when remote, the quality of their interactions suffered. They put customers on hold for longer. More also phoned back, an indication of unresolved problems.
【4】Those working at home were 18% less productive than their peers in the office. Another study determined that even chess professionals play less well in online matches than face-to-face tilts. Yet another used a laboratory experiment to show that video conferences inhibit creative thinking.
【5】The reasons for the findings will probably not surprise anyone who has spent much of the past few years working from a dining-room table. It is harder for people to collaborate from home. Workers in the Fed study spoke of missing their “neighbours to turn to for assistance”. Teleconferencing is a pale imitation of in-the-flesh meetings: researchers at Harvard Business School, for example, concluded that “virtual water coolers”—rolled out by many companies during the pandemic—often encroached on crowded schedules with limited benefits. All these problems represent an increase in coordination costs, making collective enterprise more unwieldy.
【6】Some of the co-ordination costs of remote work might reasonably be expected to fall as people get used to it. Since 2020, many will have become adept at using Zoom, Webex, Teams or Slack. But another cost may rise over time: the underdevelopment of human capital. In a study of software engineers published in April, researchers found that feedback exchanged between colleagues dropped sharply after the move to remote work. They documented a relative decline in learning for workers at home. Those in offices picked up skills more quickly.
【7】The price of happiness
There is more to work (and life) than productivity. Perhaps the greatest virtue of remote work is that it leads to happier employees. People spend less time commuting, which from their vantage-point might feel like an increase in productivity, even if conventional measures fail to detect it. They can more easily fit in school pickups and doctor appointments, not to mention the occasional lie-in or midmorning jog. And some tasks—notably, those requiring unbroken concentration for long periods—can often be done more smoothly from home than in open-plan offices. All this explains why so many workers have become so office-shy.
【8】Indeed, several surveys have found employees are willing to accept pay cuts for the option of working from home. Having satisfied employees on slightly lower pay, in turn, might be a good deal for corporate managers. For many people, then, the future of work will remain hybrid. Nevertheless, the balance of the work week is likely to tilt back to the office and away from home—not because bosses are sadomasochists with a kink for rush-hour traffic, but because better productivity lies in that direction.
1.原文:Whoops! Working from home is detrimental to productivity, after all
词典:be detrimental to对......有害
例句:The policy will be detrimental to the peace process.
2.原文:Didn’t a spate of studies during the covid-19 pandemic demonstrate that remote work was often more productive than toiling in the office?
词典:a spate of一连串的,一系列的
例句:The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.
3.原文:Unfortunately for the believers, new research mostly runs counter to this, showing that offices, for all their flaws, remain essential.
词典:run counter to 违反;与……背道而驰
例句:The government"s plans run counter to agreed European policy on this issue.
4.原文:Teleconferencing is a pale imitation of in-the-flesh meetings: researchers at Harvard Business School, for example, concluded that “virtual water coolers”—rolled out by many companies during the pandemic—often encroached on crowded schedules with limited benefits.
词典:roll out 推出,展开
例句:Northern Telecom says its products will roll out over 18 months beginning early next year.
词典:encroach on 侵占,侵犯
例句:The new institutions do not encroach on political power.
5.原文:Since 2020, many will have become adept at using Zoom, Webex, Teams or Slack.
词典:adept at擅长、熟练、精于
例句:As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.
6.原文:And some tasks—notably, those requiring unbroken concentration for long periods—can often be done more smoothly from home than in open-plan offices.
词典:open-plan office开放式办公室
例句:The company decided to adopt an open-plan office to encourage collaboration among employees.
1.原文:A good starting point is a working paper that received much attention when it was published in 2020 by Natalia Emanuel and Emma Harrington, then both doctoral students at Harvard University.
分析:本句较长,含有定语从句。“A good starting point”作主语,“is”是系动词,“a working paper”是名词,作表语,同时也是后面定语从句的先行词;后“that”引导定语从句,从句内容对先行词进行解释、说明;“when”引导时间状语从句,对动作时间进行说明。
译文:先来看一篇在2020年发表时受到广泛关注的工作论文,作者是当时在哈佛大学攻读博士学位的娜塔莉亚·伊曼纽尔(Natalia Emanuel)和艾玛·哈林顿(Emma Harrington)。
2.原文:People spend less time commuting, which from their vantage-point might feel like an increase in productivity, even if conventional measures fail to detect it.
分析:本句包含非限定性定语从句、让步状语从句。“People ”是主语,“spend”是谓语动词,此处为“spend some time (in) doing sth.”固定用法,表示“花费时间做某事”;“which”引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面提到的“人们花在通勤上的时间更少了”这件事,并对此事进行具体的解释说明;“even if”引导让步状语从句。
1. Another study determined that even chess professionals play less well in online matches than face-to-face tilts.
Nevertheless, the balance of the work week is likely to tilt back to the office and away from home—not because bosses are sadomasochists with a kink for rush-hour traffic, but because better productivity lies in that direction.
She tilted the mirror and began to comb her hair.
Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body.
Political will might finally tilt toward some sort of national health plan.
She aims to have a tilt at the world championship next year.
He continued to urge the Republican Party to tilt rightward.
The table is at a slight tilt.
2. They can more easily fit in school pickups and doctor appointments, not to mention the occasional lie-in or midmorning jog.
fit in 安排时间处理;相处融洽;(在某情形、体系中)发挥作用;适应、相适应
“fit in”这个词组,看起来并不起眼,其中的两个词,大家一定再熟悉不过了,但二者放在一起,是不是看着既眼生,又眼熟呢?在考试阅读、翻译中,我们常常遇到这样的情况,为了避免用时的迷惑,平时学习中就要打好基础,“基础不牢地动山摇”这句话一点都不假,请大家在词汇本上记下这个词组,说不定以后就是考试中的小陷阱。下面举几个例子,大家深刻体会一下~
We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in.
She was great with the children and fit in beautifully.
He knew where I fitted in and what he had to do to get the best out of me.
Where do I fit in?
She didn"t fit in and she had few social graces.
We can"t fit in any more chairs.
All the kids will fit in the back of the car.
It"s true that he could do the job, but would he fit in with the rest of the team?