‘The water was up to myneck’: central Somaliadevastatedby heavyrainfall“水已经漫到我的脖子了”:索马里中部遭暴雨肆虐【1】Almost a quarter of a million people have been forced to leave their homes after heavyrainfallin Somalia and Ethiopia led toflashfloods. A week on from the start of the flooding in Beledweyne, the capital of the Hiranregionin Somalia, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called for urgent funding to scale upassistance.在索马里和埃塞俄比亚,暴雨导致山洪暴发,近25万人被迫离开家园。在索马里希兰地区的首府贝兰德文,山洪暴发一周之后,联合国人道主义事务协调厅(OCHA)呼吁紧急筹资以加大援助力度。【2】Jamal Ali,36, has seen flooding in Beledweyne before but never on the scale witnessed when the Shabelle Riverburstits banks, causingdevastationto the central Somalian town and displacing almost the entire population. As watergushedthrough the streets, Ali ’s home in the Howl Wadaag neighbourhood of the city was soonsurroundedbymurkybrownfloodwater. “The water was up to myneck,” he said. “Our entire family including my six children soughtrefugein a relative’s home after our house wasimmersed.” “I was barely able to get my children to safety andgraba couple of items as wefled. We haven’t seen flooding on this scale in years,” he added. “No one saw this level ofdevastationcoming.”36岁的贾马尔·阿里(Jamal Ali)也曾目睹过贝兰德文洪水泛滥,但从未见过如此大规模的洪水,谢贝利河决堤,索马里中部城镇满目疮痍,几乎所有居民都流离失所。随着洪水涌过街道,阿里在贝兰德文哈尔瓦达格地区的家很快就被浑浊的褐色洪水包围了。他说:“水已经漫到我的脖子了。在房子被淹没后,我们全家人以及我六个孩子都在亲戚家避难。”他补充道:“我能做的只有把孩子们带到安全的地方,在逃离时拿上几样东西。我们已经很多年没见过如此大规模的洪水了。没有人能预见到洪灾严重到了这种程度。”【3】Somalia is suffering the effects of the worstdroughtin four decades, a result of the climate crisis. But OCHA for southern and eastern Africa warned that the rains will notcounterthedevastationcaused by years of below averagerainfall. The Somali disaster management agency this weekdistributedaid to displaced families.由于气候危机,索马里正遭遇40年来最严重的干旱。但非洲南部和东部的人道协调厅警告说,降雨无法抵消多年降雨量低于平均水平所造成的破坏。本周,索马里灾害管理机构向流离失所的家庭分发了援助物资。【4】 In2019local people built adefensivewall on the banks of the Shabelle, which has helpedpreventflooding during previous heavy rains. But the wall could notwithstandthe force of the water this time. Like many members of hiscommunity, Alifledto a relative’s home for safety, where he issharinga room with two other displaced families. “You don’t have to be here with us to know how difficult it is when you have three familiessharinga single room, not knowing when you’ll return home and if the floods left anything behind,” he said.2019年,当地人在谢贝利河岸边修建了一道城墙,这在以往的暴雨期间起到了防洪作用。但这次城墙承受不住洪水的冲击。阿里和社区的许多人一样,为了安全,他逃到亲戚家里,在那里他和另外两个流离失所的家庭共用一个房间。他说:“当三个家庭共用一个房间时,你不需要和我们在一起就能知道这有多难,你不知道什么时候能回家,也不知道洪水是否留下了什么东西。”【5】But the house theyescapedto is alsosurroundedby water, raising fears that they will have to move again. “Everyone isscaredthat the water will rise,” said Ali, speaking by phone from Beledweyne. His fears are widely shared. Hassan Abdifledwith his wife and seven children from their home in a neighbourhood on the bank of the Shabelle on the first day of the flooding. As the flood water began seeping under his front door, Abdi decided toevacuatehis children to an empty home owned by his friend.但他们逃到的住处周围也都是水,这让人担心他们将不得不再次搬离。阿里在贝兰德文打电话说道:“每个人都害怕水位会上涨”。人们和阿里一样都很担忧。在洪水发生的第一天,哈桑·阿卜迪(Hassan Abdi)带着妻子和七个孩子从谢贝利河岸附近的家中逃离。当洪水开始从前门渗入时,阿卜迪决定将孩子们转移到他朋友的空房子里。【6】“When I left my home with my children, I thought the flooding would be short lived since we’ve endured many floods before,” said Abdi,37. “Afterresettlingmy family, I returned home to take whatever I could but it started getting close to dusk, so I made the decision to spend the night there.” “The water level was at mytoesinitiallybut by the time I woke up the following morning, the water was knee high,” he added. “That’s when I knew things would be different this time. I’ve witnessed six different floods and this is the worse one I’veencounteredsince moving here in1997.”37岁的阿卜迪说:“当我带着孩子离开家时,我以为洪水不会持续太久,因为我们之前遭遇过很多次洪灾。重新安置好家人后,我回到家里,想带走我能带走的东西,但临近黄昏,所以我决定在那里过夜。他补充道:“水位一开始在我的脚趾,但当我第二天早上醒来时,水位有膝盖高。那时,我就知道这次情况会有所不同。我目睹过六次不同的洪水,这是自1997年搬到这里以来我遇到的最严重的一次。”【7】“My children are still very young. Sometimes I wonder if they understand that they’ve become displaced and that this empty home might become ourpermanenthome,” added Abdi, who isunemployedand depends on remittances fromsiblingsin the diaspora to support his family of seven. “I don’t believe there’s anything mysiblingscan do for my family. There arecertainthings that money can’t fix and naturaldisastersis one of them.”阿卜迪失业了,依靠散居海外的兄弟姐妹汇款来养活他的七口之家。他补充道:“我的孩子还很小。有时我想知道他们是否清楚已经无家可归了,而这个空荡荡的房子可能会是我们的固定住所。我不相信我的兄弟姐妹能为我的家庭做些什么。有些事情是无法用金钱解决的,自然灾害就是其中之一。”【8】Underdeveloped nations remain the mosteffectedby climateinducedcatastrophes, which have affected the well-being and developmentprospectsof millions of people.不发达国家仍然是受气候所致灾难影响最大的国家,这些灾难影响到数百万人的幸福和发展前景。
①短语:1.原文:The water was up to my neck.
词典: be up to sth 到达(某数量、程度等);与…一样高(或好)
例句:Her latest book isn"t up to her usual standard.
2.原文:The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called for urgent funding to scale up assistance.
词典: scale up 增大;增加;提高
例句:Since then, Wellcome has been scaling upproduction to prepare for clinical trials.
3.原文:You don’t have to be here with us to know how difficult it is when you have three families sharing a single room, not knowing when you’ll return home and if the floods left anything behind.
词典: left behind 留下,余留;抛下
例句:A misty rain in the morning had left behinda coolness that would stay for hours.
1.原文:Youdon’t have to beherewith us to know howdifficult it is whenyou have three families sharing a single room, not knowingwhenyou’ll return home and ifthe floods left anything behind.
分析:本句包含三个宾语从句和一个时间状语从句。主句为“Youdon’t have to beherewith usto know howdifficult it is”,“to know...”为目的状语,“howdifficult it is”为宾语从句;“whenyou... room”为时间状语从句;“not knowing...”为现在分词作状语,“whenyou’ll return home”和“ifthe floods left anything behind”为宾语从句。
2.原文:But the housethey escaped toisalso surroundedby water, raising fears thatthey will have to move again.
分析:本句包含一个定语从句和一个同位语从句。主句为“the houseisalso surroundedby water”;“they escaped to”为定语从句,修饰the house,省略了关系代词that;“raising fears...”为现在分词作状语,“thatthey will have to move again”为同位语从句,对fear进行解释说明。
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