Recyclingtyres:Fuel from yourwheels
Turning oldtyresinto new, low-emissionfuel
【1】 Getting rid of oldtyreshas long been a problem. Every year more than a billion reach the end of the road. Until recently, most were thrown into landfills orpiledup instorageyards, whichoccasionallycaught fire. Tougher environmental laws mean many countries nowinsisttyresarerecycled. And they are, sort of. Some of the methods might be better thandumpingthem, but they are not especially green.
【2】Energy recovery is one common method. This involvesburningtyresin anincineratorto generate electricity, or as asupplementaryfuel to provide heat forcementkilnsand otherindustrialprocesses. But that produces planet-warming pollution.tyrescan be used whole or shredded inconstructionprojects, such as building embankments orrepairingroads. There are, however, concerns about chemicals from thetyresleaching out and contaminating the ground.
【3】Some firms, therefore, have begun exploring analternative, pleasinglysymmetricalidea. Sincetyresare mostly made fromhydrocarbons, it should be possible inprincipleto turn oldtyresinto low-carbon fuel which can be used to run the vehicles they came from.
【4】One of the most ambitious firms pursuing the idea is Wastefront, which is based in Oslo, in Norway. Later this year the company will start building agianttyre-recyclingplant in Sunderland in north-east England. In a couple of years, when the plant is fullyoperational, it will be able to turn8m oldtyresinto new products, including some25,000tonnes of a gooey blackliquidcalled tyre derived oil (TDO).
【5】The process works by deconstructing a tyre into its three maincomponents. One issteel, which is used tobracethestructureof a tyre and which can bereadilyrecycled. The second is carbon black, apowdery,soot-like form of carbon used to improve thedurabilityof the tyre. The third isrubber. Some of that will be naturalrubberobtainedfrom the sap ofrubbertrees. Some will be thesyntheticsort, which is made infactoriesfromcrudeoil.
【6】In order to do the deconstructing, thetyresare first shredded and thesteelbracingremoved. The remainingmaterialthen goes through a process called pyrolysis. This involvesexposingamaterialto high temperatures in theabsenceof air. That causes therubbertodecomposeinto a mix of hydrocarbon gases, which are drawn off. What is left behind is pure carbon black.
【7】Once the drawn-off gas hascooleddown, aproportionof it liquefies into TDO. The remaining gases, which includemethane, arefunnelledback around to be burned,fuellingthereactor. This, says Vianney Valès, Wastefront’s boss, creates a closed-loop system thatpreventsemissions. Theoveralloutput of the process by weight is40% TDO,30% carbon black,20%steeland10% gas.
【8】The carbon black can be re-used to make newtyres. That is of interest to tyre-makers because it helps efforts to become carbonneutral. Producing new carbon black requires thepartialburningof heavy oilresiduesor coal, which produces plenty of greenhouse-gasemissions.
【9】TherecoveredTDO is similar tocrudeoil fresh from the ground, and is well-suited for makingdiesel. To do that, Wastefront is working with Vitol, a Swiss company that is the world’s largest independent oiltrader, and whichoperatesa number of refineries around the world.
【10】While not completely carbon-neutral,dieselmade from TDO does produce an80-90%reductioninemissionsof carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, compared with theconventionalfuel. The future market for cleanerfuelsis likely to remainsubstantial, even though electric vehicles aresteadilyreplacingthose withcombustionengines. Fossil-fuelledvehicles will remain on the road for decades to come, particularly largecommercialvehicles like lorries, which are harder toelectrifyand which are bigburnersofdiesel. The fuel will also be needed by trains and ships. So, anything that helps to clean upoverallemissionsduring what will be a longtransitionto theelectrificationof transport is useful—especially if it also shrinks amountainouswasteproblem.
1.原文:Getting rid of old tyres has long been a problem.
词典:get rid of sb/sth摆脱;丢弃;扔掉
例句:Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.
The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
2.原文:Until recently, most were thrown into landfills or piled up in storage yards,
词典:pile up堆积;积压
例句:Work always piles up at the end of the year.
3.原文:There are, however, concerns about chemicals from the tyres leaching out and contaminating the ground.
词典:leach (from sth) (into sth) | leachout/away(将化学品、矿物质等)过滤;滤
leach sth (from sth) (into sth) | leachsth out/away(液体)过滤;滤去
例句:The nutrient is quickly leached away.
Nitrates leach from the soil into rivers.
4.原文:it should be possible in principle to turn old tyres into low-carbon fuel which can be used to run the vehicles they came from.
词典:in principle 1.原则上,理论上 2.大体上,基本上
例句:In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day.
They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
5.原文:One of the most ambitious firms pursuing the idea is Wastefront, which is based in Oslo,
词典:be based in ... 以…为生活(或工作)中心的;以…为基地的;总部设在…的
例句:Although he was based in Wales,distance was no object.
6.原文:In a couple of years, when the plant is fully operational,
词典:a couple of sb/sth 几个人;几件事
例句:There are a couple more files to read first.
We can do it in the next couple of weeks.
The last couple of years have been difficult.
7.原文:This involves exposing a material to high temperatures in the absence of air.
词典:expose sb/sth/yourself (to sth)使面临,使遭受(危险或不快)
例句:Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.
8.原文:This involves exposing a material to high temperatures in the absence of air.
词典:in the absence of sb/sth 缺席、没有
例句:In the absence of such evidence,there is no a priori hypothesis to work with.
In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.
9.原文:That causes the rubber to decompose into a mix of hydrocarbon gases, which are drawn off.
词典:decompose (sth) (into sth)(使)分解
例句:After another month"s maturing, it will decompose into useful fertilizer.
10.原文:That causes the rubber to decompose into a mix of hydrocarbon gases, which are drawn off.
词典:draw sth↔off抽出;排掉
例句:The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure.
11.原文:Once the drawn-off gas has cooled down, a proportion of it liquefies into TDO
词典:cool down/off 1.变凉,冷却下来 2.镇静下来,变冷淡
例句:We cooled off with a swim in the lake.
I think you should wait until she"s cooled down a little.
12.原文:even though electric vehicles are steadily replacing those with combustion engines.
词典:replace sb/sth (with/by sb/sth)(用…)替换;(以…)接替
例句:It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.
13.原文:Fossil-fuelled vehicles will remain on the road for decades to come,
词典:to come 将来,未来的
例句:They may well regret the decision in years to come .
This will be a problem for some time to come.
14.原文:So, anything that helps to clean up overall emissions
词典:clean up;clean sth↔up1.打扫(或清除)干净2.赢钱;赚大钱;发财
例句:He always expected other people to clean up after him.
This film should clean up at the box offices.
1.原文:In a couple of years,when the plant is fully operational,itwill beableto turn 8m old tyres into new products, including some 25,000 tonnes of a gooey black liquidcalled tyre derived oil (TDO).
2.分析:In a couple of years是时间状语,when the plant is fully operational是时间状语。主句是it(主语)will be(系动词)able(表语)to turn 8m old tyres into new products(动词不定式作宾语)【注:be able to do sth中,to do sth的句子成分是存在争议的。有学者认为个别形容词后面可以跟宾语,因此to do sth跟在形容词able后面,是作宾语;也有学者认为be able to do sth不能进行拆分,而应整体视为“半助动词(semi-auxiliary)”。对此无需深究】。including some 25,000 tonnes of a gooey black liquid作伴随状语。called tyre derived oil (TDO)作liquid的后置定语。
1.原文:Fossil-fuelled vehicleswill remainon the roadfor decades to come, particularly large commercial vehicles like lorries, which are harder to electrify and which are big burners of diesel.
2.分析:主句是主系表结构Fossil-fuelled vehicles(主语)will remain(系动词,此时remain作连系动词)on the road(介词短语作表语)。for decades to come是时间状语。particularly large commercial vehicles like lorries是插入语,为独立成分。which are harder to electrify and which are big burners of diesel是两个非限制性定语从句,都修饰lorries,表示“货车更难电动化、需要更多柴油”。
he future market for cleaner fuels is likely to remain substantial, even thoughelectric vehicles are steadily replacing those with combustion engines.
表达:even if/though表示“即使、虽然、纵使”。在写作中,当陈述了某一观点时,如果该观点存在一些不利之处,可以使用这个短语来表示强调。
例句:Old enemies can become new friends eventhoughall their national interests are not in complete accord.
Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even ifthey"re things that you know little about.
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