聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Small / 歌手:Portishead

小小世界 It’s a Small World



its a world of laughter and a world of tears

ts a world of hopes and a world of fears

there’s so much that we share

that is time we’re aware

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world small world

there is just one moon

and one golden sun

and a smile means friendship to everyone

though the mountains divide

and the oceans are wide

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world small world



关注【文学名句】温暖情怀的文学,动人心坎的名句 记得点赞山行杜牧远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。赏析这是一首写景诗,写的是秋日山...(展开)