STRING/STRICT来自Latin Verbstringere, 意为to draw tight, press together., 其过去分词string-加后缀t(g变c 清化, n脱落), 最终形成STRICT,From PIE *streig- (to stroke, rub, press. European root), 其变体形式有STRAIN, STRESS.
constrict[kənstrɪkt] 强调被束缚的很紧 vt. 压缩; 束紧; 迫使
COLLINS: V-T/V-I If a part of your body, especially your throat, is constricted or if it constricts, something causes it to become narrower.使收缩; 收缩; V-T If something constricts you, it limits your actions so that you cannot do what you want to do.约束
拓展: constriction n 压缩; 收缩 constrictor n 压缩机;大蟒(收缩性的事物)constricted adj 压缩的
boa constrictor(红尾蚺: 蟒蛇的一种)
e.g.Severe migraines can be treated with a drug that constricts the blood vessels. 严重偏头痛可以用一种收缩血管的药物来治疗
constrain[kənstren] 全部都捆绑起来, 强制的意思 CET6 TEM8 vt. 驱使;强迫;束缚
COLLINS: V-T To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.限制; 迫使 [正式]
拓展: constraint n 强制, 压迫 constrained adj 被迫的
e.g.I feel constrained by my religious beliefs to object to captial punishment. 我的宗教信仰迫使我反对死刑制度.
restrict[rɪstrɪkt] 往回拉, 限制 CET4 TEM4 vt. 限制;约束;限定
COLLINS:V-T If you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it from becoming too great.限制; V-T If you restrict something to a particular group, only that group can do it or have it. If you restrict something to a particular place, it is allowed only in that place.限定
拓展: restriction n 限制;约束;束缚; restrictive adj 限制的;限制性的;约束的 n 限制词
e.g.There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus. 有提高录取条件来限制校园里学生数量的说法。
stringent[strɪndʒənt] 拉紧, 后引申为严格的 TEM8 adj. 严格的;严厉的;紧缩的;短缺的
COLLINS: ADJ Stringent laws, rules, or conditions are very severe or are strictly controlled.(法律、规定或条件) 严格的 [正式]
拓展: stringency [strɪŋdʒənsɪ] n 严厉
e.g.He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons. 他宣布在武器的持有方面将会有更严格的控制.
distrain[dɪstren] n. 为抵债而扣押
COLLINS: V to seize (personal property) by way of distress扣押(财物) [法律]
拓展: distraint n 扣押 distrainer n 扣押人 distrainee n 财务别扣押者
e.g.distrain upon ones furniture for rent. 扣除某人的家具作为房租.
restrain[rɪstren] CET4 TEM4 vt. 抑制,控制;约束;制止
COLLINS: V-T If you restrain someone, you stop them from doing what they intended or wanted to do, usually by using your physical strength.制止; V-T If you restrain an emotion or you restrain yourself from doing something, you prevent yourself from showing that emotion or doing what you wanted or intended to do.抑制; V-T To restrain something that is growing or increasing means to prevent it from getting too large.限制
拓展: unrestrained adj 无限制的, 无拘束的 restraint n 抑制, 束缚
strain[stren] 几乎与拉有关系 n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘 vi. 拉紧;尽力 vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力 n. (植物、动物的)品种;种类
拓展: strained adj 紧张的;勉强的;牵强附会的;滤过的 strainer n 过滤器;松紧扣;用力拉的人,拉紧者
district[dɪstrɪkt] 原本表示对犯错的人进行约束限制, 后来引申为地方 n. 区域;地方;行政区
COLLINS: N-COUNT A district is a particular area of a town or country.地区
拓展: business district 商务区 urban district 市区 residential district 居住区 district government 地区政府 district attorney <美>地方检察官 district court <美>地方法院
strict[strɪkt] adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的
COLLINS: ADJ A strict rule or order is very clear and precise or severe and must always be obeyed completely.严格的;ADJ If a parent or other person in authority is strict, they regard many actions as unacceptable and do not allow them.严厉的;ADJ If you talk about the strict meaning of something, you mean the precise meaning of it.确切的[ADJ n]; ADJ You use strict to describe someone who never does things that are against their beliefs.恪守信条的[ADJ n]
拓展: stricture [strɪktʃɚ] n 狭窄;苛评;非难
string[strɪŋ] CET4 TEM4 n. 线,弦,细绳;一串,一行
拓展: stringy [strɪŋi] adj. 绳的;纤维的;线;多筋的 stringy meat 有筋的肉
e.g. a piece of string 一根线 a string of beads/pearl 一串珠子/珍珠 a string of abuses/curses 一连串的辱骂/诅咒 a string of house 一群马
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Loving to those who do not love you; they may change.
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