聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Black Coffin / 歌手:铁拳

The Showdown - Cerberus The Hellhound Awaits

卜超 制作

The poet dreams so he cannot let you go

I feel it breathe deep and slow

Feed and watch the black dog grow

Feed him smoke and feed him wine

Feed him lust and love and lies

Taste the violence in his throat

Stare right down the cursed hole

Of the shadows, he is heir

In your heart, he makes his lair

Cerberus, I dub you pain, three-headed fiend

A heart in chains, shadow sustained

The poet feeds with the black dog at his throat

So swallow hard, force it down

From the beast, reclaim your crown

Pick him off, seal him up

Tell yourself the coffin"s shut

Lightning flash and thunder roll

Grumbling sky clears its throat

Pray the storm will keep at bay

That not dead, but locked away



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