聚热点 juredian

【歌词】a question of honor (part ii) / 歌手:Sarah Brightman

歌曲名称:A Ques歌曲名称on Of Honor

歌手:S歌手ah Brightman


Ebbene? ... N andrò lontana,

Come va l eco della pia campana,

Là, fra la neve bianca;

Là, fra le nubi d or;

Là, dov è la speranza, la speranza

Il rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor!

Two men collide

When two men collide, when two men collide

It s a question of honour

Two men collide

When two men collide, when two men collide

It s a question of honour

Two men collide

When two men collide, when two men collide

If you win or you lose,

It s a question of honour

And the way that you choose,

It s a question of honour

I can t tell what s wrong or right

If black is white or day is night

But I know when two men collide

It s a question of honour

If you win or you lose,

It s a question of honour

And the way that you choose,

It s a question of honour

If you win or you lose,

It s a question of honour

And the way that you choose,

It s a question of honour

I can t tell what s wrong or right

If black is white or day is night

I know when two men collide

It s a question of honour

Ebbene? ... N andrò lontana,

Come l eco della pia campana,

Là, fra la neve bianca;

Là, fra le nubi d or;

N andrò, n andrò sola e lontana!

E fra le nubi d or!


 【歌词】卖汤圆 / 歌手:精选校...

卖汤圆演唱:卓依婷就爱歌词组卖汤圆 卖汤圆小二哥的汤圆是圆又圆一碗汤圆满又满 三毛钱呀 买一碗汤圆汤圆卖汤圆汤圆一样可以当茶饭哎嘿 哎呦汤圆汤圆卖汤圆汤圆一样可...(展开)


