Today I run.今天我跑步。
Yesterday I ran.昨天我跑了。
I have run for twenty minutes.我已经跑了二十分钟。
经营——My father has run the family business for fifty years.我父亲经营家族企业已有五十年了。
寻求公职——Ralph Nader has run for President s0.0everal times.拉尔夫·纳德(Ralph Nader)曾多次竞选总统。
逃跑——The indicted murderer skipped bail and ran.被起诉的凶手跳过保释逃跑。
往返——This bus runs from here to the airport every two hours.这辆公共汽车每两个小时从这里开往机场。
穿线或穿透——The electrician ran a wire from the kitchen to the basement. His helper ran a splinter into his thumb.电工将电线从厨房连接到地下室。他的助手在他的拇指上划了一根刺。
出版——The Gazette ran my son’s story in the early edition.《公报》在早期版中刊登了我儿子的故事。
作为名词,run 也有很多含义。这里有几个:
跑步的行为——He went for a three mile run.他跑了三英里。
棒球得分——How many runs does our team have so far?到目前为止,我们的球队有多少次跑动?
足球的一个学期——Tommy scored a 10-yard run.汤米跑了 10 码。
持续的努力——He’s making another run for the White House.他正在再次竞选白宫。
一个生产单位——This is the book’s first run.这是本书的第一次运行。
一系列的东西——We’ve had a run of bad weather.我们经历了一系列恶劣的天气。
过度提款——Economic turmoil led to a run on banks.经济动荡导致银行挤兑。
普通类型——These are not the usual run of first graders.这些不是一年级学生通常的表现。
行动自由——We give our cats the run of the house.我们让我们的猫在家里跑。
动物的围栏——The dogs stay in the run.狗在围栏中。
to have the runs——腹泻
to run around with——与.....有关
to run across——偶然发现
to run after——寻求某人的陪伴
to run a tight ship——严管
to run circles around——展示优越感
to run interference for——为另一个人铺平道路