
Climate change:Mercury rising
The world is likely tobreachits1.5°C climate target before2028
【1】IN2015, in Paris, the nations of the worldcommittedthemselves to trying their best topreventthe planet warming by more than1.5°C from its pre-industrialstate. Even at the time, the goal looked ambitious. In recent years, it has come to seem almost impossible.
【2】On May17th the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), an arm of the United Nations, added to the gloom. It said there was a66% chance that the world would exceed the1.5°Cthresholdin at least one of the next five years. That is a big jump from itsestimatesof even a year ago, when the WMO assessed thelikelihoodat48%. Even if the1.5°C target is notbreached, the WMO thinks it isvirtuallycertainthat one of the coming five years will be thehottestin human history. (That record is now held by2016, which was1.28°C warmer than the pre-industrialaverage.)
【3】Optimists point out even if the1.5°Cthresholdisbreachedin the coming half-decade, temperatures will likely fall back again, at least for a while. The Paris agreement would not,technicallybebreached. (That would requireexceeding1.5°C for several years.) Over the next few years the growing level of human-driven warming will beamplifiedfurther by natural, buttransient, changes.
【4】The biggest of thosevariationsis the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a natural cycle of warming and cooling in the waters of the eastern Pacific ocean that haswidespreadeffects on the climate. The world has just seen threeconsecutive“La Niña” years, the name given to thecoolerphaseof the cycle, helping hold global temperatures down. It now seems almostcertainthat a warmer “El Niño”phasewill beginsometimelater this year, setting up2024to be ascorcher. (One reason for the2016record is that the yearcoincidedwith an especially strong El Niño.)
【5】But the ENSO is not the only factor. An additionaltemporarynudgecould come from theeruptionlast year of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apaivolcano, near Tonga. It was one of the biggest eruptions since that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in the1990s, andinjectedanestimated146m tonnes of watervapourinto thestratosphere. Watervapour, like carbon dioxide, is a greenhouse gas. Unlike carbon dioxide, it willgraduallyfall out of thestratosphereover the next few years. But Stuart Jenkins, a climatologist at Oxford University, reckons that while itpersistsit could increase the odds of passing1.5°C by a few percentage points.
【6】Sometentativelyencouragingsignsgleamamid the gloom. Globalemissionsof greenhouse gases fromfossilfuelsseem to have gonesidewaysfor several years, leading some researchers to speakcautiouslyof a possible peak. Rystad Energy, a Norwegian think-tank,predictedearlier this year that globalemissionsof carbon dioxide from industry could peak in2025and then begin a slow decline.
【7】Even so, the world’s actions still fall far short of its promises. Even the upper end of the goals agreed in Paris—of limiting warming to “well below2°C”—will beachievableonly withdrasticaction. “For Europe and America to meet theircommitments, for instance, would require them toswitchoff all theirfossil-fired power plants within the next three decades.
【8】And simply stoppingemissionswill not be enough. Somewhere between3.5bn and5.4bn tonnes of carbon dioxide will need to besuckedout of theatmosphereevery year, rising to4.7bn to9.8bn tonnes within30years. All that is a big ask, to put itmildly. But theoptimist’s take might be that thepsychologicalimpact of breaching the1.5°C goal, even if onlytemporarily, could help focus minds.
1)原文:Optimists point outeven if the 1.5°C threshold is breached in the coming half-decade, temperatures will likely fall back again, at least for a while.
词典:point out指出
例句:I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.
2)原文:One reason for the 2016 record is that the year coincided withan especially strong El Niño.
词典:coincide with 与......同时发生
例句:The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
3)原文:Global emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels seem to have gone sidewaysfor several years, leading some researchers to speak cautiously of a possible peak..
词典:go sideways情况恶化
例句:Anything goes sideways, it is on you.
4)原文:For Europe and America to meet their commitments, for instance, would require them to switch offall their fossil-fired power plants within the next three decades.
词典:switch off 关闭
例句:The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm.
Even if the 1.5℃target is not breached, the WMO thinks it is virtually certainthat one of the coming five years will be the hottest in human history.
l紫色部分是even if 引导的让步状语从句。
1)原文:It now seems almost certain that a warmer “El Niño” phase will begin sometime later this year, setting up 2024to be a scorcher.
It said there was a 66% chancethatthe world would exceed the 1.5°C threshold in at least one of the next five years.
Even if the 1.5°C target is not breached, the WMO thinks it is virtually certain that one of the coming five years will be the hottest in human history.
One reason for the 2016 record is thatthe year coincided with an especially strong El Niño.
But Stuart Jenkins, a climatologist at Oxford University, reckons that while it persists it could increase the odds of passing 1.5°C by a few percentage points.
但是牛津大学的气候学家斯图尔特·詹金斯(Stuart Jenkins)认为,如果火山爆发的影响持续存在,那么很可能会使升温超过1.5°C的几率增加几个百分点。
Mike"s parents made a special promise to Tom that surprised Tom.
That he likes books of this kind is very interesting.= It’s very interesting thathe likes books of this kind。
The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦的是我把他的地址丢了。
Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened
对于未来五年全球升温可能会突破1.5摄氏度的预测,主要原因是,拉尼娜现象于2023年3月结束,我们预计未来几个月将出现厄尔尼诺现象(El Niño,指的是赤道太平洋东部和中部海面温度出现显著增温的现象),这将与人类活动引发的气候变化相结合,将全球气温推向未知的领域。国际社会需要采取更加协调一致的气候变化缓解措施,一方面加大减排行动,另一方面为气候变化适应提供更多的支持,以降低气候变化对人类生命健康的损害。
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