聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Say it / 歌手:Enrique Iglesias

Say it say it say it Tell it like it is

Say it say it say it Tell it like it is

What breaks your heart

What keeps you awake at night

What makes you want to breakdown and cry

But say you"ll never turn your back

Say you"ll never harden to the world

Say you"ll never try to still the rhythms in your breast

Say you"ll never look at the evil among us and try to forget

Say you"ll tell it like it is

Say it say it say it so everyone can hear

Say it say it say it tell it like it is

What breaks your hear

What keeps you awake at night

How your anger and grief

Make you want to cry out

And tell it like it is

But say you"ll never close your eyes

Or pretend that it"s a rosy world

Say you"ll never try to paint

What is rotten with a sugarcoat

Say you"ll talk about the horrors you"ve seen and the torment you know

And tell it like it is

Say it say it say it

So no one can forget

Say it say it say it Tell it like it is

What breaks your heart

What keeps



中国地大物博,河流众多,《山海经》中洛水有好几条!第一:《山海经》日:“西望幽都之山洛水出焉。”郭璞注:洛水即墨水。《魏书》中称完 水。《北史》日:“乌洛侯国西...(展开)


