聚热点 juredian

【歌词】⌒ω⌒强烈推荐 ⌒我用前奏做铃声⌒很绚⌒ / 歌手:⒎7⒎在干着听歌的勾当


Yeah, ah, yeah, aha, yeah, what, only you baby, only you

I reminisce, and think of how we used to be,

I bought roses, we kissed and you were holding me,

walking down the streets of our hometown, getting down,

wasting money, just fooling around, we felt free,

like birds in the sky, I want you to get everything, if I should die

high on hopes on our own dreams and scenes

got a ticket for a ride to reach the bright side

baby, there s a better life, no tears, no fears, no hate, no strife, no pain

Yo, I mma do the first,

You ll write me a letter that will ease my thirst

And then, sweetheart after you follow me

to the city of love, where we ll both gonna be

with a shy goodbye we made our own choice

as I sat on the train then I heard your sweet voice

All I needed was the love you gave

all I needed for another day

and all I ever knew

only you



[原创] 囬答问题老人自杀原因是: 一是得了不治之症,生存绝望。同村有个60多岁手艺人,一生勤劳,患肺癌,治了三年,将家里什么都卖光,治疗无效。医生说:晚期了,...(展开)


 【歌词】你是坏人 / 歌手:杨丞...
