Five For Fighting - California Justice
Early one morning at county line
The swells 4-6 approaching 9
The barrel of my life hit the Malibu Sky
A Golden State Pipe - Conchita was mine
Suddenly a local on a Boogie in a Thong
Cut in on my line - My Barrel was gone
Her Pepperdine Stud screamed "Val that"s what you get"
I shot him with a gun behind Neptune"s Net.
Killed a man I don"t know what the fuss is
I"m just looking for some California Justice...
Took off in the Mustang for the 395
Double Double in Mohave - Took a left at Lone Pine
I Powered up the top of Mt Whitney
They may not have a Jamba Juice but here they"ll never get me...
While working my tan looked down the cliff to see
A line of Black and Whites Dropped by a yellow Jersey
Called Uncle Arnie said, "What"s going on
He said, "New Sheriff in town...Name"s Lance A