

国际广告协会(International Advertising Association,简称IAA)
国际广告协会(International Advertising Association,简称IAA)






  • 促进会员间的学术、经验和思想的交流,提高他们的业务水平;
  • 提高广告业务的标准和实践,并通过与其他组织的合作,促进信息交流;
  • 提倡研究、分析和探索世界广告发展的新趋势、新可能性、新技术和新方法;
  • 团结广告界品质优良、富有声望的人士。




  • 宣传广告为推动经济健康发展和促进社会开放的重要作用和意义;
  • 保护和促进商业言论自由和消费者自由选择的权利;
  • 鼓励广告自律的广泛实施和认可;
  • 组织论坛,探讨不断出现的广告营销传播业的专业问题以及这些问题在飞速变化的世界环境中所引发的结果。

IAA history

  1930's - 1940's: the beginning

  In 1938, Thomas Ashwell, publisher of the Export Trade & Shipper magazine in New York, had a vision. Long aware of the need for an organization to coordinate and foster the practice of international advertising, Ashwell assembled twelve other export advertising executives for a luncheon meeting on 8 April 1938 at the Harvard Club in New York. Out of that occasion, the International Advertising Association was born.

  The first public gathering, which attracted over 130 men and women from the export advertising business, was held that May. The first President, Shirley Woodell, described the new association as ‘an organization for the interchange of ideas and experiences, in order to promote the efficiency and scope of its members in the practice of their profession of foreign advertising’. And she proposed its tripartite structure composed of advertisers, advertising agencies and the media and their representatives

  When the elected Directors applied to register as a not-for-profit corporation, they discovered their chosen name, the International Advertising Association, was already assigned. So they incorporated themselves as the Export Advertising Association on 3 October 1938, and by the end of the year had 67 members

  The organization held its first International Advertising Convention in October 1949 in New York City with the theme ‘Greater foreign trade through international advertising’. Now some 300 members strong, it moved confidently into the new decade

  1950's: embedding our goals

  The 1950’s can be characterized by several key milestones which truly embedded the IAA’s goals and mission:

  • During the 1950's, great strides were made towards internationalization of the IAA. In 1953, approximately one fifth of the 500 members were located outside the USA. By the time it celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1958, it had 1,160 members, of which over 600 came from outside the U.S., representing a total of 58 countries.
  • The new broadening horizons hastened the discussion of a change of name to the International Advertising Association when that name became available, which it did on in October 1953. The change was officially made on 15th December of that year.
  • 1955 marked an important year for the IAA. After the name change, the Board decided to give the IAA truly worldwide significance by introducing Regional Vice-Presidents and creating an IAA European Committee, and the first IAA conference to be held outside the USA took place in Zürich, Switzerland the same year. A second IAA European Conference was held in The Hague in 1957, and the IAA initiated important efforts to promote advertising self-regulation.
  • In the late 1950's, international advertising underwent many changes: a tightening of economic conditions, a recession in the U.S., and the evolution of the European Common Market all affected long-established marketing operations. The IAA also changed with the times. It modified its constitution and bylaws in 1959, by providing for the establishment of local Chapters and an increase in worldwide representation on the Board.The first Chapters were formed and a European Council organized.

  1960's: a decade of ‘firsts’

  The IAA achieved many ‘firsts’ in the 1960's:

  • The first IAA Latin American Conference was held in Caracas, Venezuela in 1960.
  • Young professional groups within Chapters were proposed for membership, with the first organized in Venezuela in 1964.
  • In 1963, the IAA World Congress and the IAA European Conference were combined for the first World Congress outside of the U.S. held in Stockholm.
  • In 1966, Mexicobecame the first Latin American country to host the IAA World Congress and in 1969 Tokyo, Japan was the first in Asia.
  • In 1964, Dr. Rudolf Farner of Switzerland was elected as the first non-U.S. IAA World President.

  Perhaps the most crucial trend affecting the IAA's work at that time was the emergence of consumerism as a major force in the mid-1960's, with advertising soon becoming one of its prime targets. In the past, the IAA's main role had been that of teacher, observer and reporter. Now consumerism was seen as a vital challenge to the industry and the bylaws were redefined to set the IAA on a new path for its journey to the forefront of the defense of advertising internationally.

  At the end of the 1960's, IAA membership was up to over 2,100, with 15 Chapters.

  1970's: growth of corporate and organizational membership

  With the approval of the new bylaws in 1971, providing for a more active role for the IAA, the Association began its search for greater resources. Corporate support of major projects and services became an important and necessary reality. In 1972, the Sustaining (later termed ‘Corporate’) and Organizational Members program began and grew successfully thereafter.

  1980's: launch of our education program

  The IAA Education Program was formed, announced at the 1980 IAA World Congress in Durban. As introduced, it developed requirements leading to two levels of IAA Certificates and an IAA Diploma in International Advertising, aimed at providing a much needed educational standard for the marketing communications business on a worldwide scale.

  In addition, an extensive publications program was initiated with studies covering different restrictions, problems and prospects in the worldwide marketing communications community. Regular summaries were circulated of such topical items as government legislation, developments in self-regulation, consumer trends, public service advertising activities and significant media changes. In pursuit of its objectives ‘to establish a common platform in building and sustaining the prestige of the advertising profession’ and ‘to serve as spokesman against unwarranted attack or restrictions on advertising’, the IAA formed a Public Action Committee, which met for the first time at the 1980 IAA World Congress in Durban, South Africa. This Committee assumed responsibility for monitoring the international advertising climate with regard to government regulation, legislation and consumerist actions. In this, the IAA worked closely with other organizations such as the European Economic Community, the European Advertising Tripartite (EAT) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

  The 1980's presented the IAA with new and greater challenges — included among them mergers and restructurings on both the agency and advertiser sides, new advertising restrictions and bans, threats of taxes on advertising, developments in satellite broadcasting and so on.

  Chapter lobbying efforts, directly and in cooperation with a host of other national, regional and international organizations increased markedly on such issues as taxation and product advertising and gained the support of many more Organizational Members.

  The Association closed out the 1980’s with a strong membership base of 2,700 Individual Members and 36 Chapters in 74 countries, with 82 Corporate and 28 Organizational Members.

  1990's: a truly international reach

  For the Association, this decade was marked by a number of significant advances. One of these was its continuing international growth and influence, mirrored in the geographical origins of its World Presidents; Roger Neill (1990-92), a former Chapter President both in Australia and the UK; Mustapha Assad (1992-94), the first from the Middle East; Luis Carlos Mendiola Codina (1994-96), the second from Latin America; and Senyon Kim (1996-98), the first from Asia/Pacific.