

捷克CEZ能源集团(CEZ Group)
CEZ能源集团(CEZ Group)——中欧和东欧最大的能源机构



  CEZ能源集团(CEZ Group,PSE: CEZ, WSE: CEZ, FWB: CEZ)是在中欧和东欧最大的能源机构,超过400亿 (2880 亿人民币)美元的市场资本,无论在公司规模还是客户群都排到欧洲的前十名。它在新欧盟国也是最大的公司,而且在欧洲它是第二大电能卖家。捷克CEZ能源集团的中心业务是发电和传输电力,它有超过30,000员工和大约15,000MW的装机容量。捷克CEZ能源集团是一个从运行操作自己的褐煤矿,电站,到传输和提供电力电力组织完全一体的组织。

  捷克CEZ能源集团的超过60% 的发电量来源于煤和褐煤,并打算在现代科技之上围绕褐煤建起以后的电厂组合。这使得捷克CEZ能源集团成为一个在欧盟排放交易体系中购买CERs和ERUs得非常有活力的参与者。

CEZ Group


  The strategic goal of CEZ Group is to become the leader on the Central and Southeastern European electricity market. Apart from the production and sale of electricity, CEZ Group also deals in telecommunications, informatics, nuclear research, planning, construction and maintenance of energy facilities, mining raw materials, and processing energy by-products. CEZ Group currently belongs among the three largest heat suppliers in the CzechRepublic.

  The parent company and core of CEZ Group is ?EZ, a. s. the largest electricity producer in the CzechRepublic, founded in 1992 by the National Property Fund. CEZ Group was created in 2003, when ?EZ, a. s. merged with several regional distribution companies. Today, CEZ Group belongs among ten of the largest energy companies in Europe, both in terms of installed capacity and number of customers. It occupies a leading position on the electricity market in Central Europe. Following the acquisition of three distribution companies in Bulgaria, one in Romania, two Polish power plants and one Bulgarian power plant, CEZ Group has become a multinational enterprise comprising of over 90 Czech and foreign companies.

  In December 2007 energy companies CEZ (Czech Republic) and MOL (Hungary) created a strategic alliance focusing on gas-fired power generationand and signed a joint venture agreement. The countries in which MOL Group is active correspond to the areas targeted for foreign expansion of CEZ Group. Cooperation with MOL is an opportunity for CEZ to strengthen its position in the electricity markets of central and south-east Europe, with the contribution of a strong, locally established partner from the gas industry.

  Playing by EU regulations

  The interconnection of electricity generation, distribution, and trade within CEZ Group has brought the Czech energy sector closer to EU standards applicable in Western European countries. Since 2005, it imposes a strict separation of distribution as a regulated activity from trade, through a process known as unbundling. The new structure of the Czech electricity industry is beneficial for consumers and creates an environment for competition. Supplying nearly 7 million customers and extending the portfolio of sources

  CEZ Group’s enlargement by the regional electricity distributors and other prominent companies, such as Severo?eské doly or SKODA PRAHA, greatly enriched its activities, as well as strengthened its position on the energy market. CEZ Group delivers electricity to nearly 3.5 million customer supply points in the Czech Republic. In January 2005, CEZ Group further strengthened its position by acquiring three Bulgarian distribution companies that serve 1.9 million customers. By the end of 2005, the group’s total number of customers reached 6.8 million, as a result of obtaining further 1.4 million customers from Electrica Oltenia, a Romanian distributor. This propelled CEZ Group up to eighth place among the leading European power companies, ranked by the number of customers.

  Its portfolio of production facilities, with a total installed capacity of 12,298 MW, was extended in 2006 by two Polish power plants, Elektrownia Skawina S.A. and Elektrocieplownia Chorzow Sp. z.o.o. (Elcho), with a joint installed capacity of 830 MW. The purchase of a black coal-fired power plant in Varna increased the installed capacity of CEZ Group by another 1,260 MW.

  Fulfilling obligations toward investors

  Hitherto, CEZ Group has managed to raise the output of acquired firms in Southeastern and Central Europe, thereby justifying its acquisitions and enabling them to increase its market value. Successful operation on the electricity markets of the Czech Republic and abroad enables the group to fulfill its obligation to shareholders by securing them a long-term steady profit.


  Within Europe, CEZ Group is the most profitable and at the same time the least indebted power ompany. This has positive effect on the CEZ, a. s. stock prices, which are among the best developing stock prices of European energy companies. Excellent economic results are a logical outcome of fulfilling the company strategy based on successful acquisitions in Southeastern Europe, cost optimization and output orientation.

  As the largest contributor to public budget, CEZ Group is also the most important economic entity in the Czech Republic.


  In October 2006, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services upgraded CEZ’s long-term rating to “A-“ from “BBB+”. The outlook is stable. The rating of CEZ is now identical with the rating of the Czech Republic. In October 2006, Moody’s Investors Service reaffirmed CEZ’s long-term rating “A2”, outlook stable.

  CEZ company stocks in Poland

  In October 2006, the shares of CEZ company successfully entered the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since December 2006, they have been included in the prestigious Polish stock exchange index WIG20. The entrance of CEZ on the Warsaw Stock Exchange was motivated by interest in the vast possibilities the developed Polish capital markets offers. Thanks to this step, even Polish pension funds have access to investment into CEZ shares, although they are otherwise quite regulated in foreign investments. Shares of large energy companies have been practically absent from the Polish stock market until last year.


  CEZ Group produces nearly three-quarters of the total volume of electric energy manufactured in the Czech Republic. CEZ Group currently operates 2 nuclear power plants, 15 coal-fired power plants in the Czech Republic, 3 coal-fired power plants abroad, 34 hydropower plants, including 3 pumped storage plants, 2 locations with wind power plants, and 1 photovoltaic (solar) power plant. The diverse portfolio of plants enables the group to respond flexibly to changing demand and provide all the services necessary for the reliable operation of the electricity supply system.

  In managing production, CEZ Group places emphasis on increasing productivity, which has risen by more than 50% over the course of four years since 2000. The value added for one employee per month has also been rising consecutively. Presently, CEZ Group has the highest value added per employee in the CzechRepublic.

  The main reasons for CEZ Group’s successful performance on the liberalized electricity market are long-term cost reductions and increasing efficiency. In an effort to prolong this trend, CEZ Group launched a 3.5 billion euro program to refurbish its coal-fired power plants. The program aims to fully restore 11 blocks of brown coal-fired plants, build 2 new brown coal-fired blocks, each with an installed capacity of 660 MW, and discontinue the operation of 14 inefficient brown coal-fired blocks. A further decrease of about a half of the present-day capacity will occur after 2030. The efficiency of electricity production from existing and newly constructed renewable sources will increase by 15% and 25%, respectively. The refurbishment of the coal sources will bring a significant reduction in the level of pollutant emissions.

  The largest coal consumer in the CzechRepublic

  Coal-fired power plants account for a majority of the installed capacity of CEZ Group. The group purchases most of its fuel from the coal companies of northern Bohemia. The largest supplier of brown coal, Severo?eské doly, is a member of CEZ Group. As the leading purchaser of coal in the Czech Republic, CEZ Group provides work opportunities for a large number of employees in the coal industry.

  Distribution according to the rules of unbundling

  The regional electricity distribution companies, incorporated into the CEZ Group during the integration of the energy sector, not only distribute electricity to end-users, but also trade it. During the course of 2005, the existing regional layout of CEZ Group’s distribution companies was replaced with a process layout. In accordance with EU policy, this model assumes the strict separation of distribution as a regulated activity, or unbundling. The key functions of distribution and the sale of electric energy were taken over by the independent companies CEZ Distribuce, a. s. and CEZ Prodej, s. r. o.

  The new model of CEZ Group features ten companies, each of which concentrates on one basic component of the energy group’s activities. The processing facilities are evenly located throughout the group’s distribution territory. CEZ Group will continue to maintain the distribution networks in a way that assures undisturbed electricity supplies to all its customers.


  Demand for electricity in the Czech Republic increases on a year-on-year basis. Although a majority of the electricity produced by CEZ Group is intended for the domestic market, a substantial portion is exported, making CEZ Group the second largest electricity exporter in Europe after EDF. CEZ Group is also the leading supplier of ancillary services for the Czech transmission system.

  Emission permits for CO2 have become a lucrative trade commodity, aimed at reducing the pollutants emitted by industrial companies in EU countries. They operate on the premise that if a firm falls short of its allocated emission volume, it may sell unused permits. Contrarily, those that surpass their limit must purchase additional ones. The fully consolidated companies of CEZ Group traded a portion of their permits through bilateral contracts and allocated another to the upcoming year. In January 2006, ?EZ, a. s. further extended its know-how in the field of trading emission permits by enlisting on the Amsterdam stock exchange ECX.

  Expanding services

  In order to expand customer service, improve the utilization of production capacities, and strengthen the position of CEZ Group on new markets, a network of sales centers and offices has been established throughout the CzechRepublic. Trade agencies have also been opened in several neighboring countries.

  An agreement between CEZ Zákaznické slu?by, s. r. o. and regional gas distribution companies in the Czech Republic to open joint offices is just one example of improved customer service. In six cities throughout the country, electricity and gas related services will both be offered in former sales offices of CEZ Group.

  CEZ Group is pursuing further means of modernizing, as well as increasing the speed and quality of its contact with customers. For instance, a customer may cover bills or advanced payments for electricity supplies in cash at one of over 4,500 terminals of the SAZKA corporation.


  In its recent-year history, the parent company of CEZ Group invested a total of over 7 billion euro into development and ecological measures. CEZ Group’s largest investment into the environment was an extensive program aimed at the desulphurization of its coal-fired power plants. Between 1992 and 1998, the group invested a total of 1.58 billion euro into the project, as a result of which the levels of SO2 were reduced by 92%, ash particles by 95%, nitrogen oxides by 50%, and carbon dioxide by 77% from values in the early 1990s.Since the end of 1998, all of these plants have been fitted with equipment reducing pollutant emissions.

  The technology and parameters for reducing pollutant emissions employed in the Czech Republic comply with the highest standards of available technologies recommended by the European Union, and enable meeting air protection regulations. Furthermore, nearly 90% of the energy by-products from the desulphurization process no longer classify as waste, and may be further utilized. The surroundings of coal-fired power plants have undergone a series of technical and biological reclamations, which are aimed at removing the effects of storing energy by-products and revitalize the landscape. Refurbishment of devices measuring emissions is taking place in all coal power plants since 2005, and CO2 measurement also began.

  The refurbishment of its coal-fired power plants is a major ecological investment of CEZ Group, which will further reduce the volume of SO2 and NOx emissions by over 50%. A notable step will lie in the reduction of CO2 emissions by 8% of 1990 levels, in accordance with fulfilling the Kyoto Treaty by 2012. CEZ Group is the first company in the European Union to undertake the complex refurbishment of its facilities in compliance with new EU guidelines.

  Other significant environmental investments were realized through an alternative fuel project and the implementation of the Environmental Management System (EMS). As a result of these environmental investments, which in the case of CEZ Group are the highest of any other Czech company, the group (including hydropower and nuclear facilities) fulfills the most stringent EU standards.

  Promoting production from renewable sources

  Hydropower plants are the most important component of CEZ Groups’ renewable sources, complemented by wind and solar facilities. CEZ Group intends to significantly increase its use of renewable sources in the upcoming years, investing over 1 billion euro over the next 15 years. Of that, approximately 700 million will fund the construction of new wind power plants. CEZ Group consolidated all activities dealing with renewable energy, apart from those utilizing biomass, under ?EZ Obnovitelné zdroje, s. r. o.


  CEZ Group plans a massive development in the area of wind energetics. Actually CEZ Group has agreements for building more than 50 wind power plants. The overall investment in wind energetics can reach the level of 20 bn. CZK. Solar

  CEZ Group’s solar power plant on the premises of the nuclear plant in Dukovany has an installed capacity of 10 kW and comprises of two hundred panels of photovoltaic, monocrystalline silicon panels mounted on stands, with a 100-square meter effective area. Its peak capacity is 55W/panel, with an optimum voltage of 17.5V/cell. The solar power plant serves primarily for educational purposes at the InformationCenter of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant.


  Biomass is a prospective renewable energy source. CEZ Group carries out the co-combustion of coal and biomass in the form of wooden chips or bran in the fluidized bed boilers of the Hodonín, Po?í?í, Ledvice and Tisová power plants, and in the grate boiler of the Dv?r Králové Heat Plant. CEZ Group is also carrying out tests on alternative natural fuels.


  Hydropower plants represent a significant part of CEZ Group’s ecological energy sources. They are mostly situated on and around the rivers Vltava, Labe, Dyje and Morava. Their total installed capacity is over 1900 MW. Through a flexible coverage of consumption and an ability to store energy, these plants increase the efficiency of the electricity supply system.


  Apart from the acquisition of important domestic firms, CEZ Group purchased significant stake holds in several foreign companies in Southeastern and Central Europe. The vision of CEZ Group is to become a leader on these domestic electricity markets. Steps toward this goal were taken by obtaining a majority stake hold in three Bulgarian distribution companies, Elektrorazpredelenie Stolichno JSC, Elektrorazpredelenie Sofia Oblast JSC, and Elektrorazpredelenie Pleven JSC, a Bulgarian power plant in Varna, as well as succeeding in a tender for the Romanian distribution company Electrica Oltenia. In the Central European region, strategic markets for CEZ Group include neighboring Poland, whose energy sector has been a longtime partner of its Czech counterpart. CEZ Group also acquired a majority stake hold in the Upper Silesian power companies Elektrocieplownia Chorzow Sp. z.o.o. (Elcho) and Elektrownia Skawina S.A.

  CEZ Group is pursuing further opportunities to increase shareholder value through investment in the region. It also aims to remain highly competitive and guarantee long-term prosperity to all of its members