聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Flea / 歌手:DJMAX

Tomorrow will be better


When you wake up in the morning

When you haven"t started to think

There is a whole brand new day

Open wide and waiting for you

I know in life"s sorrow,

you"re on the verge of drowning

May your tears flea with yesterday

blow away with the wind

When you wake up in the morning

When you haven"t started to think

The world is out there calling open

eyes to new beginning

A newborn sun is shinning

Chasing shadows from your mind

Everything will be alive,

under the sunshine"s smile

Come out from your corner

No doubt in join us

You can decide the future

Devote your youthful power to this world

Come together, hand in hand together

I know you"ll do

We pray and believe

that tomorrow will be better.

No, I don"t know what your name is

But you"re so familiar to me

Cause we belong to one family



 【歌词】1219 / 歌手:许飞

词:吴英群 许飞曲:许飞制作人:贾轶男思绪穿越过时间的河流想起了去年冬天的邂逅三小时的飞行我们没有半句简单像样的问候无人的小巷喧闹的路口初次约会我们走了很久终于...(展开)