Making trouble:UK needs anindustrialstrategyto compete inmanufacturing制造麻烦:英国需要工业战略在制造业市场竞争【1】Countries that are serious aboutmanufacturinghaveindustrialstrategies.The US and China have one. So do Germany and France. Britain does not . Rishi Sunak talks about turning the UK into a “science and technology superpower” but that’s all it is: talk. It is a PRstrategymasquerading as anindustrialstrategy.那些看重制造业的国家都有工业战略。比如,美国和中国就有;德国和法国也有,但是,英国没有。英国首相里希·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)口口声声说着要将英国打造成一个“科学技术超级大国”,但是这一切都是说说而已。这其实只是一个伪装成工业战略的公关策略。
【2】Faced with the challenge presented by Joe Biden’sinflationreductionact (IRA), the government says it has no need to respond to the package of greensubsidiesbeing provided by Washington because Britain has already established athrivingrenewables sector and the Americans are playing catch up. Thecomplacencyisstaggering.面临美国乔·拜登(Joe Biden)政府推出的《通货膨胀削减法案》(IRA)这一挑战,英国政府称,英国没有必要对美国进行的绿色补贴一揽子计划进行回应,因为英国已经建立起一个繁荣发展的可再生能源产业,并且在这方面,在后面追赶的是美国。这种自满令人震惊。
【3】Andy Haldane , once the Bank of England’s chiefeconomistand now the chiefexecutiveof the Royal Society of Arts, last week said: “The world is facing right now an arms race in re-industrialisation. And I think we’re at risk of falling behind in that arms race unless we give itthe giddy-up.”安迪·霍尔丹(Andy Haldane)曾经是英格兰银行的首席经济学家,现在是皇家艺术协会的首席执行官,他上周称:“世界现在正面临着一场再工业化的军备竞赛。我认为英国有可能在这场军备竞赛中落后,除非我们快点行动。”
【4】China, Haldane added, had been focusing on green technology for many, many years and hadforgedahead in tech such assolarandbatteries. “The west hasbelatedlywokenup,” he said. “The IRA isthrowingcash to the wall on that. The cost of that [is] almostcertainlynorth of half a trillion dollars. Possibly north of $1tn. The EU is now playing catch up, [and] the UKcurrentlyis not really in the race at any kind of scale.”霍尔丹补充道,中国已经关注绿色技术很多很多年了,并且在太阳能和电池技术方面处于领先地位。“西方觉醒地太晚了,”他说,“美国的IRA现在正在往这一领域大笔投钱,几乎可以肯定的是,这笔钱高达5千亿美元,甚至可能是1万亿美元。欧盟现在正在追赶,但目前英国并没有真的加入这一或大或小的竞争。”
【5】A quickglanceat the latest trade figures shows Britain has some way to go to be amanufacturing“superpower”.manufacturing’s share of the economy shrank from more than30% to less than10% of national output in Elizabeth II’sreign. The goodsdeficit, last insurplusin the early1980s, stood at £55bn in the first three months of this year, with imports more than50% higher than exports. A £40bnquarterlysurplusin services was not enough to close the tradegap.粗看一眼最新的贸易数据就会发现,英国想要成为一个制造业“超级大国”还有一段路要走。在伊丽莎白二世统治期间,制造业在全国经济中所占份额已经从30%多降至不到10%。货物贸易顺差上次出现还是在80年代初期,今年第一季度的货物逆差为550亿英镑,其中进口比出口高出50%以上。服务业400亿英镑的季度盈余并不足以弥补贸易差距。
【6】Those who supported Brexit say the UK now has the freedom to export more to faster growing parts of the world economy . Those who opposed it sayexportingto the EU has become moreburdensome. Both are right, but both are missing the point. Before Britain can take advantage of export opportunities it has to have stuff to export. The fact is the UK is no longer a firstrankmanufacturingeconomy and hasn’t been for decades.那些支持脱欧的人声称,英国现在能自由地向世界增长更快的经济体出口更多货物。反对脱欧的人则称,向欧盟出口变难了。其实这两方都没错,但都没有抓住重点。英国抓住出口机会的前提是它得有东西能出口。但事实上,英国不再是一流的制造业经济体,而且几十年以来都不是。
【7】Dyson’s recentannouncementthat it will build a battery factory in Singapore is a perfectillustrationof the challenge facing the UK. There was never the remotest possibility that the plant would be in the UK due to what its founder James Dyson, aprominentBrexit supporter, called in a letter to the Times, the “scandalousneglect” of science and technology businesses.戴森最近宣布将把电池工厂建在新加坡,这也完美诠释了英国现在正面临的挑战。戴森创始人詹姆斯·戴森(James Dyson)是一位著名的脱欧支持者,他在给《泰晤士报》(Times)的一封信里称,因为英国对科技企业“可耻的忽略”,这一工厂从来没有丝毫的可能性会建在英国。
【8】Only part of the company’sreluctancetomanufacturein the UK is due to the recent jump incorporationtax, though thatwipesout any benefit from tax breaks for research and development. It is also the planning system, the lack of trained engineers, thedisdainshown for science and technology, and governmentinterferencein the way businesses are run.戴森不愿在英国生产的原因只有一部分是因为最近英国公司税猛增,尽管这也使得研发税收减免的好处荡然无存。其他原因在于规划体系、缺少训练有素的工程师、轻视科学技术以及英国政府干涉公司运营方式。
【9】The company says the UK will remain a centre for R&D, and it willinvest£100m in a new tech centre in Bristol for software and AI research. But the idea that Britain can do all the high-value brainpower stuff while other countries do the production is anillusion. Increasingly, Dyson’s R&D happens in Singapore, the site of its global HQ, and in the Philippines.戴森称依旧会保留英国的研发中心,并且会在布里斯托尔投资1亿英镑建立一个新的软件和人工智能研究技术中心。但那种认为英国来做高价值的脑力劳动、其他国家负责进行生产的想法是一种错觉。戴森的研发工作也越来越多地在其全球总部新加坡和菲律宾进行。
【10】Dyson is by no means alone. A report by the lobby group Make UK found that six in10manufacturersthought government had never had a longterm vision formanufacturing, while eight in10considered theabsenceof astrategyput their company at a competitivedisadvantagecompared with othermanufacturingnations. It is no surprise that AstraZeneca recently announced it was building its new factory in Ireland .戴森绝非孤例。英国制造业游说团体Make UK的一份报告显示,60%的制造商认为英国政府对制造业从来都没有进行过长期规划,80%的制造商认为,与其他制造业国家相比,国家相关战略的缺失让其公司处于竞争劣势。那么阿斯利康宣布其正在爱尔兰(Ireland)建新工厂也就不奇怪了。
【11】Stephen Phipson, Make UK ’s chiefexecutive, said last week the US was spending1.5% of national output on its IRA. The equivalent sum in the UK would be £33bn. It was not just the money, though. “A lack of aproper, plannedindustrialstrategyis the UK’sachillesheel ,” Phipson said. “Every other major economy, from Germany, to China, to the US, has a long-term nationalmanufacturingplan,underlyingthe importance of anindustrialbase to the success of its wider economy. The UK is the only country to not have one.“If we are to not onlytackleourregionalinequality, but also compete on a global stage, we need a nationalindustrialstrategyas a matter ofurgency.”Make UK的首席执行官斯蒂芬•菲普森(Stephen Phipson)上周说,美国对IRA的投入占国家产出的1.5%。这一比例放在英国则相当于330亿英镑。不过,这不仅仅是钱的问题。“缺少合适的、有规划的工业战略是英国的致命弱点,”菲普森说,“从德国、中国到美国,这些主要经济体每一个都有长期的国家制造业计划,并且重视工业基础在更广泛的经济发展中的重要性。英国是唯一没有制造业计划的国家。“如果我们不仅要解决地区不平等问题,而且要在全球舞台上竞争,那么我们需要一个国家工业战略,并将其作为一个紧急事项。”
【12】One option is toconcentrateinstead on sectors where the UK does have globalclout: financial and business services, for example. In that case, thepretencehas to stop thatlevellingup will bedeliveredby newfactoriesturning out world-beating products.The government can either make Britain anattractiveplace formanufacturingcompanies toinvestor it can decide not to compete. Judged by its actions rather than by itsrhetoric, it seems to have chosen the latter option.一种选择是将注意力集中在英国已经具有全球影响力的领域,例如金融服务和商业服务。在这种情况下,通过建立新工厂生产世界一流产品来提高制造业水平的表面功夫必须停止。英国政府既可以让英国成为一个吸引制造商投资的地方,也可以决定不参与竞争。不过从其行动而不是言论来看的话,它似乎选择了后者。
1)原文:Faced with the challenge presented by Joe Biden’s inflation reduction act (IRA), the government says it has no need torespond tothe package of green subsidies being provided by Washington because Britain has already established a thriving renewables sector and the Americans are playing catch up.
词典:respond to回应,回答
例句:The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.
2)原文:Both are right, but both are missing the point. Before Britain can take advantage of export opportunities it has to have stuff to export.
词典:miss the point不得要领
例句:Those who deride the proposal for opening up the courts to family lawsuits miss the point.
词典:take advantage of 利用
例句:The company is ideally placed to take advantage of the new legislation.
3)原文:There was never the remotest possibility that the plant would be in the UKdue towhat its founder James Dyson, a prominent Brexit supporter, called in a letter to the Times, the “scandalous neglect” of science and technology businesses.
词典: due to由于
例句:They arrived late due to a motorway holdup.
Faced with the challengepresented by Joe Biden’s inflation reduction act (IRA), the government says it has no need to respond to the package of green subsidiesbeing provided by Washingtonbecause Britain has already established a thriving renewables sector and the Americans are playing catch up.
面临美国乔·拜登(Joe Biden)政府推出的《通货膨胀削减法案》(IRA)这一挑战,英国政府称,英国没有必要对美国进行的绿色补贴一揽子计划进行回应,因为英国已经建立起一个繁荣发展的可再生能源产业,并且在这方面,在后面追赶的是美国。
l橙色部分是现在分词结构做后置定语,修饰green subsidies。
Dyson’s recent announcement that it will build a battery factory in Singaporeis a perfect illustration of the challenge facing the UK.
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