聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Got That Feeling / 歌手:Faith No More[信仰破灭乐队

Sweetest Operator

Hey you don"t realise your strength

Sweet enough as you are, don’t change

To tell the truth, when I’m with you

Ain"t nothing ever going to get me down now

The way with you, the things you do

Ain"t never never ever gonna let you down now

I got the feeling that you could be the sweetest operator

And I got that feeling that"s what you are

I"ve got a feeling that you could be the sweetest operator

And I got that feeling that"s what you are

Hey I don"t recognise the score

So I’ll stick to the things I know

But I am still looking for a way

Think about every day now

And you can prove the very thing

The way you operate is such a relief

I got the feeling that you could be the sweetest operator

And I got that feeling that"s what you are

I got a feeling that you could be the sweetest operator

And I"ve got that feeling



第一个字是千万众一心 万籁俱寂 万死不辞 万紫千红 万古长青万马齐喑 万家灯火 万箭穿心 万劫不复 万寿无疆万里长征 万物之灵 万事大吉 万全之策 万象更新万恶...(展开)


