聚热点 juredian

【歌词】如果没有你(without you) / 歌手:神话

MIKI—Imagine Me Without You

LRC:jaron QQ:604067801

As long as stars shine down from heaven(只要星星还在天国闪烁)

And the rivers run into the sea(只要江河还汇入大海)

Til the end of time forever(直到时间的尽头)

You are the only love I"ll need(你就是我唯一的爱)

In my life you"re all that matters(在我的生命里你是一切)

In my eyes the only truth I see(在我的眼里你就是真理)

When my hopes and dreams have shattered(当我的愿望梦想破碎)

You"re the one that"s there for me(你就是那个一直在我身边支持我的人)

When I found you I was blessed(当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑)

And I will never leave you, I need you(我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你)


Imagine me without you(如果我没有了你)

I"d be lost and so confused(我一定会迷失方向)

I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid(我恐怕自己撑不过一天)

Without you there to see me through(如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我)

Imagine me without you(如果我不再拥有你)

Lord, you know it"s just impossible(天哪,你知道这是不可能的)

Because of you, it"s all brand new(因为你,





 【歌词】牵手_live / 歌手...

歌词千寻牵手(live版) - 甄妮词:李子恒曲:李子恒因为爱着你的爱因为梦着你的梦所以悲伤着你的悲伤幸福着你的幸福因为路过你的路因为苦过你的苦所以快乐着你的快...(展开)