ay yo 50
what i tell you
we aint even have to say shit
they did it monkey see monkey do
dont ever make the first move
just let em" come to you
cause they always gunna see and do what the other one do
so let em" come to you
the rest of us follow suit
monkey see monkey do
if they really want it bad enough well then they gunna come
now here they come as we expected now we just set em" up
check-mate motherfucker
games over
we won
tweedle-de-tweedle-dum it doesnt take much
for me to raise such a stink up
when motherfuckers hate your guts
you aint even gotta say much
for me to put a pen to a blank sheet of papers
like smearing blood stains with a paint brush
i cant explain what it is my brain does
but however it works its insane
its plain nutz
and it aint just my brain thas dangerous
its a whole combination of things
it takes nutz
and im not affriad to raise the stak