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【歌词】Game Speaks / 歌手:DJ Exclusive Present

Miael Jackson


Deceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighs

She only knows how low that she can go

She speaks the lines that can control my mind

Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow

She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant

Only for me, then spoke with her body

Her only goal is just to take control

And I can"t believe that I can"t tell her no


That girl I can"t take her

Should have known she was a heartbreaker

That girl I can"t take her

Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker

That girl I can"t take her

Should have seen it coming heartbreaker

That girl I can"t take her

Should have seen right through her

She"s a heartbreaker

She plays a game with such an innocent face

I didn"t know heartbreaking was her case

Her actions confess and put me through the test

I was surprised that I was caught inside


 卡塔尔在哪里 美国卡塔尔在哪里

澎湃新闻记者 王卓一美国总统拜登当地时间3月10日下午,美国总统拜登发表声明,正式确认卡塔尔是美国的非北约主要盟国,此举将提升美卡两国的伙伴关系。据半岛电视台3...(展开)